View Full Version : Part Nester New nesting software

Ryan Patterson
12-30-2007, 12:23 AM
I have completed the first step in new nesting software “Part Nester Pro” for cabinets. It will work with a CSV file and DXF files created from a kitchen design package. You can open the csv file and all the dxf files linked to the csv file will be nested on to specified material. After the parts are nested you can save the nested sheets to a dxf drawing. One dxf file for each sheet. The original dxf layers are retained. There is still a lot of options to be added. The biggest part to add is the output of cutting files based on the layers in the dxf files.

You can also nest parts by entering the length and width of your parts and save the nested parts as a dxf drawing.

You can download the beta version here. CabinetpartsPro.com/Part Nester Pro.htm (http://www.cabinetpartspro.com/Part%20Nester%20Pro.htm)

Here is a direct link http://www.cabinetpartspro.com/Beta/NesterSetup.exe

I will have help files soon. If you need any help getting started email me at info@cabinetpartspro.com (mailto:info@cabinetpartspro.com)

Please let me know how it works for you and if you think something needs to be changed.

12-30-2007, 05:54 PM
I have downloaded part nester but i keep getting the foll when i try to nest parts.
Run-time error 9 subscript out of range

Ryan Patterson
12-30-2007, 06:45 PM
Paul you have mail.

There is a sample csv file in a sub folder of where Part Nester is installed. You can test with this file. The files in the folder was produced by KCDW. Select open CSV file then go to the folder named “\SheetNester\UnNamed” . The name of the csv file is UnNamed_CNCList.txt. If nesting from a CSV file linked to dxf files the dxf file needs to be in the same folder as the csv. When you select this file the list of parts will be imported and the dxf files will then be nested on to the sheets. You can then save the nested sheets to a dxf file, one dxf for each sheet.


Ryan Patterson
12-30-2007, 07:41 PM
I uploaded a tutorial video showing how to import a csv file with the linked dxf files. The video can be downloaded here. http://www.cabinetpartspro.com/Beta/ImportingCSV.zip . If you have a CSV file that is not importing please email me the csv file, Thank you.

Part Nester is in the early stage and out for beta testing. If you have any problems please email the problem to info@cabinetpartspro.com (mailto:info@cabinetpartspro.com) . Please be as descriptive as possible to help me trouble shoot.


Ryan Patterson
12-31-2007, 08:52 PM
Thank you all for the feedback you provided. When I am sure the bugs are worked out of the basic nesting I will start on the tool pathing. I plan on setting the tool paths based on the layers in a dxf drawing. You will be able to select a different tool path option for each layer in the imported dxf files. If you have any suggestions for options please email them to info@cabinetpartspro.com (mailto:info@cabinetpartspro.com)

A new version of Part Nester Pro is up for downloading/testing.
You will need to uninstall before installing this version.
If anyone has tried it on a Vista computer please let me know if it is working for you

I uploaded a tutorial video showing how to enter in parts and have them nested http://www.cabinetpartspro.com/Beta/EnteringParts.zip