View Full Version : Cutting depth Speeds (the simple way)

09-08-2007, 08:17 AM
Poted this once before but I don't see it showing up in list.

I use a PRT standard and ouput .sbp with VcarvePro. I mostly cut 1/2 and 3/4 Melamine and 1/2 and 3/4 MDF. I use screws for hold down. I have never changed the VcarvePro default tool settings and think it's time to do so. It takes about 6 passes to get through the 3/4 Melamine.

My current settings for 1/4 end mill (down spiral) are Pass Depth .125, Stepover .1, speed 12000, feed rt 100, Plunge rt 30.

What should I change settings to to be more suited for my use?

09-08-2007, 09:43 AM
Do a test with multiple speeds at full depth. You'll be surprised at what it can handle. Best way to test is make 10-14 36in. lines in V-carve. On mine I cut them in one pass at full depth, but changed the feed/rpm on each one. I went from 4 ips up. I cut 2 lines using the same feed rate but changed the rpm so that I could get the right combination. It helps out a lot, you can really see how finding the right mixture will reduce chatter and make a smoother and quicker cut. Use the Chip Load Calculator to get a starting point for feed rate and rpm speeds.

09-08-2007, 08:32 PM
We cut using a PRT standard, 1/4 compression bit 10 k RPM on a PC router, 3/8" per pass at 1.8 IPS. It's quiet and we get good results. A small amount of bit deflection.