View Full Version : Shopbot setup

08-04-2003, 03:26 PM
I just set up a new PRT96. Setup went smoothly and initial test showed that reposition and accuracy is better than the stated spec.

I have observed two behaviors of the tool that I don’t know whether they are normal or need to be fixed.

The first one is that whenever I turn on the control box (it doesn’t matter whether it is turned on before or after the PC and the control software are running) the tool will make a noise (sometimes louder than other times) and x-gantry moves a little (I measured once about 0.01”). I am not sure whether it always moves the same distance or whether Y and Z move too. Is this something I should worry about?

Second, the tool move very quite when “jogging” but make noises when “moving.” This perhaps is normal but if anyone knows the reasons for it.

Any help will be appreciated.


08-04-2003, 03:44 PM
The noises that you hear on start-up are the steppers initializing. This is normal. I like to check my X,Y,Z zero every time before a cut. This ensures me that it is correct.

Expect noises from the stepper motors. When you cut out your 1st circle it's going to sound strange like a smooth grinding...This is normal...and took me a while to believe that it was normal.

Have fun & Congratulations!


08-04-2003, 07:42 PM
COngratulations on your new baby, Your noises are "Standard Equipment"

The noice is actually the harmonic pitches of the machine. It seems like it is grinding at move speed and sounds smooth at jog speed.
Be generaous with the grease they give you for the rack and this will reduce it a bit. Also adjust your speeds and get used to the different pitches based on speed.

Enjoy your new toy!

08-04-2003, 08:00 PM
Good point George...

By the way, you'll know when you have enough grease on the X gears when your t-shirts have track marks on them!


George Wang
08-04-2003, 11:47 PM
Thanks, guys. Your replies make me feel better with the tool. I was more concerned with the start-up noises and moves (if it was caused by some unpredictable electric noises which move only one x-motor or, worse, move the x-motors in opposite directions. Although this may not have noticeable effects initially as it just move a few steps at each start-up, with time it could gradually affect the square between x and y axis').

I have to update my observation a little bit. Today, when I played it again (Dale, it is a toy to me), there was no noise/move when I turned on the control box but a few switch on/offs later (I waited a few minutes in between), the start-up noise/move occurred again.

Anyway, I think you guys know better and I shouldn't worry too much.

Again, thank you all.


(Brady, I already had enough grease on my T-shirts but I'm not sure whether there is enongh on the gears--I'll put some more)