View Full Version : Using vector works 9.0

01-18-2006, 12:55 PM
My school is thinking of buying a shop bot and we have vectorworks cad program. does anyone else use this cad program with th SB? Also, can you tell me any pro or cons about the machine

01-18-2006, 01:10 PM
Hi Michael,

I am very new to the ShopBot, but do use VectorWorks 11.5 for Mac. So far I have imported two files as .dxf and both have worked fine. 2D, I have not tried a 3D file.


01-18-2006, 01:12 PM
Vectorworks (http://www.nemetschek.net/index.php) says ".....superior DXF/DWG translation, VectorWorks Fundamentals allows you to work with whatever and whomever you need to get the job done. ......ensuring DXF/DWG compatibility. We also support a number of graphic file formats, such as GIF, JPG, BMP, TIF and EPS, allowing you to easily import digital images into your designs and export your drawings to other graphics programs. Support for IGES, .SAT and .STL....... "

Nothing wrong with that.

01-19-2006, 01:47 AM
I use Vectorworks and have for about 10 years. It is a great program. I rarely have a problem exporting dxf files to toolpath for the SB.
Wayne Locke

01-23-2006, 03:58 PM
Hi Michael

i have been using Vectorworks for 6 years, and have just got a Bot, so far , So good! i'm running 10.5 - and can't import EPS files - do the new versions let you do that?
