View Full Version : (productivity enhancers) Häfele panel cart -- the good and the bad

06-19-2007, 12:38 PM
Awaiting shipment of PRSAlpha I’ve been doing some rounds of purchasing to accomodate the new machine and machining area in the shop. Yesterday I took delivery of the Häfele HPC cart, which has been mentioned in several discussions on this forum. It’s the panel cart with tiltable table and adjustable height.

(I know this is not strictly a shopbot thread, but since the operation of the shopbot machine puts certain demands on the operators, and since this is a product that has great promise for those procedures, I’ll wager that it qualifies for posting. If not, please remove.)

Overall, I really like the design. It has great promise, and the price was unbelievably good -- I paid $345 including shipping from Häfele US to Häfele Europe and to my door. Having assembled the cart, I must however say that the build quality is horrible. I don’t know what’s going on here, I identify Häfele with high quality products that often involves paying a premium, so the price made me a bit suspicious. Still, I would have expected much better, even for that price. I know that other users on this forum utilize this product, and I would like comments on what your experience is, did I happen to receive a ‘Monday’ specimen, or is this the general build quality?

Materials are ok, not great but ok. The welding is below par. It will probably stand up to the abuse we’ll inflict on it, but it’s still worse than what we could do ourselves, not being a metal shop. Finishing is poor, certainly far below the finish on other Häfele products we have purchased, and the nice ferrari reddish color doesn’t quite make up for it. The assembly instructions are so-so, they work but there are some things not mentioned in them that should be. The release pedal had far too much lateral play, so we had to shim it. The horizontal stops did not have a securing nut, so we had to provide that as well. The carriage bolts intended to serve as a semi-lock for the vertical position do not really work at all, we will have to install something we think up on our own. Also, where the jack pedal impacts the car they had glued on a small rubber pad -- a nice detail, if they had actually placed it right and if the glue was not so poor that it came half peeled off right out of the packaging (I realize complaining about this detail sounds petty, but I mention it exactly because this is the kind of detail I’m used to Häfele not only thinking about but also getting right.)

Given the price, I can live with all of the above. It still feels odd, this being Häfele-branded, but ok, gotta look at the price. I know it sounds like I’m complaining, but I’m not, not for $345.

What’s really borderline for me however is the following:

1) The lock mechanism which secures the table in the horizontal position was seriously misaligned, causing the spring-loaded pin to be blocked. We had to file off not one, not two, but three millimeters on the table unit to make it lock. Not a big deal perhaps, given that ten minutes of filing made up for it, but given how important this mechanism is for safe operation of the product it was a huge surprise.

2) The oil cylinder (the pedal pump jack), was compromised on delivery. We haven’t opened it up, but we will have to, because it’s leaking. Due to this, it fails to action up to the listed height -- it peters out and loses action a full two inches before specified max height. This makes the whole cart useless for us right now, since we can’t get lift to the level of any of our machining tables. I don’t know what’s wrong with it, but it cannot have happened in transit, it must have been this way on shipment.

3) At least two of the oil nipples were broken on delivery. We can rectify this on one of them with minor repairs, but the other one is permanently damaged. This, also, cannot have happened in transit, not the way these items were packaged. They must have shipped out like this.

In closing, I would like to be able to recommend this product. I really like Häfele Sweden and Europe, I like the quality, service and care they give to the customer. The design of this product is great, there are some minor things I’d take issue with and feel are unnecessary compromises, but overall it has great promise and is a great productivity-enhancer for an even greater price. I’ve taken it for a test ride and though the faulty cylinder issue makes it non-productive for the moment, after our modifications I will say that this product will allow me to do what would previously have been impossible when alone in the shop (weekend work etc) and will make many regular hours work procedures that are now two-man turn into one-man jobs, or make two-man operations a lot faster.

What’s the experience of other users of this product? Is this what one should expect, or did I receive a bad apple?

Brady Watson
06-19-2007, 12:47 PM
Where'd you get one for $345??!! That's a smokin' deal! Directly from Häfele online or did you call?


06-19-2007, 01:01 PM
I've had a shopcarts version for years
It,s heavy duty,I've loaded up to 10 sheets of 3/4 MDF?tilted it and raised up to table saw level with no deflection. I hope to make good use with my new 'Bot.
I know it's pricey,but a wouldn't play games with heavy loads.


06-19-2007, 03:25 PM

I called my sales rep here in Sweden, but he had never heard of it, so I called Häfele Sweden main office directly, and they set me up. We're a regular customer, so we do have some standing discounts, still I did not ask for any particular deal or anything like that, this is the price they quoted me, and that included freight USA -> Sweden, to my door.

06-19-2007, 03:54 PM
I've got the one from Hafele. I've had it for 5 years. I had 20 sheets of 3/4" melamine on it. I wouldn't advise it, but it held fine, just a little hard to move. I think I paid $395. back then. You will not regret buying one. I'm thinking of getting a second one.

06-21-2007, 05:34 AM

Judging by the photographs on shopcart's site, their unit is in fact almost exactly the same as the Häfele HPC. Except for overall color and wheels plus the cross supports on the shopcart product, they are obviously from the same original manufacturer -- most details are identical.

I don't know how much better the unit is with those diagonal supports, but they'd have to be pretty good, since shopcart charges three times what Häfele does for what is otherwise apparently the same product. (The shopcart unit may ship assembled, though.)


What was the build quality of your Häfele cart? Did you experience any of the same issues as I?


Anyway, we opened up the cylinder and we think we've narrowed down the leak issue to a faulty o-ring. Action is much better now, and it does rise to specified height (a bit more than that, actually -- max height is apparently adjustable by playing with the oil level).

I think I'll buy and take apart a set of those wall clamps for long shaft garden tools etc and install them as semi-locks for the vertical position. The cart is difficult to move without a working lock in that position, but should handle great as soon as we get that fixed.

I'm currently negotiating with Häfele regarding the faults on the unit we recieved, and I have a feeling I'll walk away from this purchase paying maybe half the price.

So, we got off to a bit of a bumpy start, but for say $175 I'm good.

Very good, indeed.

All in all, I would recommend this product -- but be sure to assemble it right away so you can identify any faults like those on my unit and work it out with Häfele.

We are mostly a hettich shop, but we do buy from Häfele as well, so we have some discounts. Still, the fact that they had to ship this 240 pound package from the USA to Sweden should more than eat up our discount.

If I lived in America, I would insist on getting it for $345 maximum -- if they can ship it halfway around the world to the door of a fairly small customer for that price, then they should definetly be able to give you that price in America.

06-21-2007, 07:10 AM

I bought my Shopcart from Hafele years ago.
If I had to buy a new one I most likely go with
their version.At 1/3 the price you can't beat it!


06-21-2007, 08:50 AM
I have two Shopcarts, one bought new and one at auction. The Shopcarts are welded construction and come fully assembled. I've never actually seen a Hafaele cart but the Shpcart is very well made and heavy duty with great quality casters....and expensive.