View Full Version : Pre-purchase Planning Question

06-20-2007, 01:50 AM

I've been roaming the forum site for 3 weeks trying to get a users take on the Shopbot for my application. I've been impressed by the quality of the people in this forum, it is a credit to the tool and a big seller for me - Perhaps some of you gents can help.

Primary application:
I am an industrial designer seeking to make 3d prototypes for sandcasting - carving from foam, MDF and Renshape. Perhaps completed in split layers, perhaps as a solid with a higher Z-axis

Software: I already own a seat of Solidworks and Ashlar Vellum, what additional stuff should I get to make the CAM portion work?

Forgive me for parroting back what I have gleaned so far.
It sounds like an PRSAlpha with a spindle is what I need, perhaps a higher Z capability. I've read of 3:1 stepper motors and second y motor. Not entirely clear where these fit but I guess probably increase rigidity tight tolerance control.

Some preliminary suggestions would help. I haven't spoken to the Shopbot folks yet as I wanted to ask the forum community first.

Thanks much, Patrick

Brady Watson
06-20-2007, 02:23 AM
It sounds like you have some good software in your arsenal. You have several options as to what you can run for 3D CAM. After you have created your geometry in CAD, you can export as an STL and import it into ArtCAM Pro for toolpathing. ArtCAM offers some unique tools not available in any other program and offers professional strength 3D toolpath strategies. It isn't the only game in town, but it is a good one considering the software you already own. It is both CAD/CAM, but it is very easy to use, flexible and robust.

In terms of hardware, the discussions you most likely read refer to older ShopBot models that used 1:1 direct-drive motors. The PRS-Alpha uses 7.2:1 geared motors on all axes and offers a substantial increase in both resolution and cutting force over previous versions. A 2nd Y-axis motor has not shown to be of any advantage on a PRS tool (nor is it offered as an option as far as I know).

Hope that helps.
