View Full Version : Jamboree 2003
11-15-2002, 07:25 PM
If you haven't heard any details about the upcoming Jamboree down in Durham, please go to Shopbot's web page and follow the link from there.
We are starting to put together the topics, presentations, classes, etc. and we'd like feedback from anyone interested in what's going to go on down there.
We'll be adding a few new features this year, such as a swap meet for Shopbot/computer parts, and we expect a larger turnpout than our first effort ( which had over 120 people attending).
Plan in advance, and call in your reservations early! As many people saw last year the Hilton wound up being the focal point for a lot of the activities, and we're hoping to arrange some sort of mass transport this year to make it easier to get back/forth from Shopbot each day.
Our plan is to follow a similar format as last year, and have presentations at the Hilton in the morning from "outside vendors", company reps, etc., as well as a session on the latest Shopbot software.Then the afternoon will be spent at Shopbot's building where the real "hands on" stuff happens, as well as additional small workshops.
Please let us know your interests early enough to be able to do something about them.Also if you have something you would like to present, send us a rough draft of your ideas and we'll see where we can find time/space for you..This entire production is geared FOR Shopbotters, BY Shopbotters, so try to find the time to come on down ...!
12-11-2002, 10:57 AM
Registrations are starting to trickle in for the Jamboree in May, but we just wanted to remind y'all that Jan 1, 2003 is the last day to get the free ShopBot limited-edition mouse pad when you register. It's really pretty neat, with the fraction-to-decimal conversion table (by 1/64") in white on ShopBot blue.
We're also starting to work on lining up folks for presentations and panel discussions, and could use some help in selecting topics. We're not only looking for topics that will be interesting to everyone in the group ( like cutter selection or software choices), but also special interest subjects like boatbuilding or carving stone. Anyone have any ideas?
12-11-2002, 11:14 AM
I think that your suggestions for cutter selection and special interest subjects are a good start. I know that I am interested in those subjects. I would add some info on cutting Corian and similar materials. I would like to see some information on using the plasma setup, and any tricks that go along with that side of the SB. Using plasma and the indexer would be a great thing to present. Of course, I would love to hear/see tips and tricks on getting the most out of my ShopBot, especially in the area of time and cost efficiency.
12-11-2002, 11:31 AM
Got any mouse pads with millimeters?
Naw, because then you don't need conversion tales!
12-11-2002, 11:21 PM
My ShopBot is old enough to use Cubits. Anybody know how to convert Cubits?
12-11-2002, 11:25 PM
No ahn knows better than No ah!
Doug Berk
12-11-2002, 11:38 PM
1 cubit (short) = elbow to knuckles of a closed fist
1 cubit (short) = 6 hand breadths
1 cubit (long) = 1 short cubit plus a hand breadth
1 cubit = 12 to 25.2 inches but popularly 18 inches
1 cubit (bible) = 21.60 inches
12-12-2002, 01:22 AM
After that short commercial break you are returned to the serious topic of this thread:
ShopBot Jamboree 2003
And Brady said:
I think that your suggestions for cutter selection and special interest subjects are a good start. I know that I am interested in those subjects. I would add some info on cutting Corian and similar materials. I would like to see some information on using the plasma setup, and any tricks that go along with that side of the SB. Using plasma and the indexer would be a great thing to present. Of course, I would love to hear/see tips and tricks on getting the most out of my ShopBot, especially in the area of time and cost efficiency.
12-12-2002, 07:38 AM
Good Job Brady,
You even got one of the three sub-diviaions (that I know) of a cubit.
12-12-2002, 08:32 AM
Is there anywhere we can go to register on line or do we have to call?
12-12-2002, 09:35 AM
You sure can. It's one of the choices you have on the Jamboree registration page (
12-26-2002, 02:06 PM
To All,
I hope Santa was good to most of you this year. If not this is your chance to get yourself a great present; back up this thread, and follow the info to pre-register for the 2003 Jamboree! Not only will it make it easier for us to get a handle on who plans to attend,, it will also give you a chance to lock in your schedule for early May. PLUS if you do so by Jan. 1st you'll get your very own fractional to decimal mousepad ( quick what's the decimal equivalent of 7/32"..?)It would be hard to find a better deal than we're offering for $25 ( and if you have just finished the shopping season you know what I mean...).If you know you will be coming, why wait? Contact us now, and make it a win-win situation for all of us.
We've started to line up some people for our presentations, and we're also trying to fine tune some topics for a group of panel discussions we'd like to hold in the afternoons back at Shopbot. As always we welcome more suggestions such as those listed above, regarding topics of interest.Since many of the companies we are interested in need considerable lead time to confirm a schedule, we will keep asking/reminding you to send us your input.
Our major goal with the Jamboree is to provide as much pertinent info as possible in the alloted time, so if you have some thoughts on topics to cover, we'd love to hear them. We're also trying to add some new wrinkles this year such as the "parts swap meet"for those of you who have "extra" parts from computers, upgraded machines, etc. This could be the ONLY chance some of you will ever have to get rid of all that frayed cable, or ball screw "Z" axes in a way that could benefit others. Maybe someone can "clone" a machine out of all the bits and pieces we all seem to have lying around.
It's also a good time to start thinking about something you might like to bring to the "show and tell"session. Try new things, experiment a little, think outside the control box!
This is YOUR Jamboree, so please take some time and let us know how we can tailor it to your needs.....Thanks, Bill P.
01-30-2003, 01:13 PM
Jamboree Topics/Schedule!!!
We've come up with some input regarding topics for the upcoming Jamboree
and we'd like some feedback from you. In order to accommodate as many
interests as possible this year we are going to try and have a variety
of different kinds of "presentations". These will include;
Morning sessions at the Hilton to present Shopbot software, and product
development. We also plan to include at least one "vendor" with a
general interest theme for everyone ( at the moment that looks like a
talk by the Onsrud router company on bit selection for different
materials, and products.). In addition we expect to have a Delcam
software rep on hand to give a glimpse of ALL the Delcam line, including Part
Wizard, Millwizard, Insignia, and Artcam Pro.
Next will be the afternoon sessions back at Shopbot's world
headquarters. There will be a variety of presentations on issues such as ;
* Writing parts files (using variables, and various commands).
* Product development ( how to take your idea and turn it into a cutting
* Which software would be the most appropriate for your line of work
*3D file making, and cutting.
* Techniques used in production cutting.
We'll also have ongoing "hand's on" demos in the Shopbot shop;
* Installing/using proximity switches and input switches.
* Using ShopBot accessories like the indexer and probe.
* Running a dual "Z" axis Shopbot.
* Vacuum jigs/tables.
* Plasma cutter
* Upgrading your Shopbot.
* Cutting unusual materials.
In addition to the above we would like to divide up into "special interest
groups" during lunch on one of the days, to get folks together whose work
might involve specific
applications, tooling, or software. Some of the groups that we've thought
of are;
Musical instrument building.
Sign making.
Crafts items.
Metal working.
Cable machines ( for the old, cable drivers still out there..).
Did we leave anyone out?
One of our "highlight events" will of course be the "Show and Tell"
session where we would ask you to bring something you have made with
your ' Bot, so we can all benefit from one another's work. However this
year we are anticipating a larger group than last year so we will have
to ask that you bring NO MORE than 4 of your "favorite" pieces. This
will allow everyone to have some room to show off a little. If you're
planning to bring things for show-and-tell, please let us know so that
we'll be sure to have enough tables and chairs.
As usual we'd ask you for feedback on any of the above, since we are
trying to maximize the amount of information available to you in such a
short period of time. Some of the above topics may change, or be
expanded upon depending on the amount of feedback we receive. If we
don't hear back we'll assume that you trust our judgement implicitly,
and we'll sort out what works best for US...
As some of you discovered last year, staying at the Hilton is the
easiest situation particularly for those who are flying in and will not
have a vehicle locally. If we see that there are enough people in that
category we can try to arrange a "mass transport vehicle" ( aka-bus..),
to move people back and forth. You can make your Jamboree reservation
online through the Shopbot web page as well..
We are looking forward to this year's event, and we hope to hear back
from you with your thoughts
Bill, Martha, & Bill
01-30-2003, 05:12 PM
Sounds really good! It looks like you guys are covering a LOT of subjects over the course of the weekend. Can't wait to go!
01-31-2003, 03:28 AM
As a musical instrument maker, I would be interested in engraving related topics. Keith
02-10-2003, 02:54 PM
If I remember correctly, last year's Jamboree included a demonstration of the 5-axis prototype ShopBot. Are there any plans to demonstrate or discuss the 5-axis machine at the 2003 Jamboree? Thanks.
02-10-2003, 09:09 PM
We're hoping that we can have a demo of the 5-axis machine available. I will try to contact the folks down in Durham tomorrow and see what stage
of development the tool is currently in... Bill P.
02-11-2003, 08:22 PM
Craig, I did contact Shopbot today, and their answer to your question is , maybe... Everyone is hoping to have the new software finalized by then, and that would make the presentation much easier. So we'll keep you posted as things develop, but it is certainly on the list of items we're hoping to show at the Jamboree..
02-11-2003, 11:17 PM
Bill, Thanks for the update. I don't own a ShopBot (yet), but I am very interested in the potential 5-axis capability. Since my brother-in-law lives in the area, I'm thinking the Jamboree might be a good chance to visit him and learn more about the ShopBot. Let me know if you hear anything firm on the plans to demo the 5-axis machine. Thanks.
03-12-2003, 05:29 PM
Jamboree "product design" session..
We've been asked by a couple of people if there is any way we could explain how someone would go from an idea to a physical "product" using the Shopbot. So we thought we would make this a sort of "interactive" process both before, and during the Jamboree.
What we are looking for are designs of a "product" which could be made out of sheet good materials, which would not be larger than 24 by 32 inches ( tabletop maximum size..). The "ideal" product design would have multiple parts which could be cut out with standard bits. It should obviously be a 2 dimensional item that would involve assembly, and it should also be submitted in a format that most software could read ( .dxf being the common denominator here..).
A secondary design consideration here could be to come up with an item which ALL Shopbotters could cut, and benefit others. For example something along the "toys for tots" line. This way we will be working towards a "product" that serves as both a teaching aid, and a tangible example of what the CNC process is capable of.
After we review the submitted designs we'll present it at a panel discussion during the Jamboree. Then we will let those in attendance do the planning, layout, and execution of the cutting file. After the Jamboree we will make it available to ALL Shopbotters via the web page.
SO, we now ask you to wake up some of those hibernating brain cells and send us your ideas. This is NOT a contest! In fact if we get multiple submissions that we think are worthy we will post them as well, but we will choose a project which we think we will be able to complete ( or almost complete) during the time frame of the Jamboree.
You can submit your ideas to the Jamboree mailbox which is at : (
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please post them here on the Forum so we can truly make this a "group" effort.. Thanks
03-13-2003, 11:53 PM
I think that a product design session is a great idea! I'm really starting to get stoked about attending the Jamboree.
I've had a few requests from people for country style trash cans...I know not the most glamorous idea...but simple. The can is rectangular and just about 32" high without the removable lid. It has rabbeted corner joints and it can be cut out with a 1/4" straight bit...and best of all it takes the big trash bags.
Just an idea...Feel free to "throw it out"...
03-14-2003, 08:24 AM
Is there a schedule made up yet for the format of the Jamboree? Is it available? I'd like to plan out the days as much as I can so that I can pick and choose which events I want to attend. That way I can maximize my time there.
Let me know.
03-15-2003, 09:07 AM
I have a suggestion for the fellow attendees to the 2003 Jamboree. How about A G-code swap. A lot of shoppbotters out there are doing some really fun and neat stuff with their bot and I have a few programs that would make for some fun stuff to make. I would be willing to load up some disks with individual programs on them as well as instructions on how I set it up to trade for someone elses. I'm not asking for anyone's highly top secret personal designs that their making for a living. Just the fun stuff that you may have made on day after thinking ... hmmm I wonder if...... The letterheads signmakers forum does something like this called a panel swap where they make a sign panel and trade with their fellow signmakers at their meets.
Just think it might be fun and a good way to make CNCbuddies.
What do you think?
03-15-2003, 09:21 AM
Hi Brady,
>I've had a few requests from people for country style trash cans...
Good idea... it's something everyone can use and might make a good fundraiser. How about putting together some rough dimensions for the finished trash can and send them to ( so that we can add it to the list.
As far as a schedule, we're getting closer but don't have an "etched in stone" version quite yet. The only things we're sure of are...
* Thursday hour and dinner at Hilton
* Friday and Saturday 8-12...presentations at Hilton from ShopBot, Onsrud, and DelCAM
* Friday and Saturday 1-5...panel discussions and shop demos at ShopBot headquarters
We'll post details as soon as they're finalized.
See you there,
Bill Y.
p.s. We just got an update from Martha and have over 40 ShopBotters signed up so far...last year at this point I think Bill P. and I were the only 2 that we were sure would be there! If you're planning on attending but haven't signed up yet, PLEASE do it soon so that we can make sure that we have enough chairs to sit on and t-shirts for everyone.
03-16-2003, 06:07 PM
Do you need a SBP or DXF, or can you just work with dimensions? I can't seem to find my cut file for that anywhere.
03-17-2003, 11:19 AM
Brady, All we really want is the concept for the project. A sketch, a description, a photograph etc. will be sufficient. Our goal is to have everyone there work out the details of HOW someone would go about creating the product from an idea. In fact given the size of the grooup we're expecting it will probably be tough to actually finish the project(s), so we're thinking of using this as a "brainstorming session". Once we come up with some "plans" we'll post them, and then let people do the projects back in their own shops. This way we can solicit pictures of the final products.
SO, we can probably handle a few projects in the allotted time, BUT a message to everyone; this is again a group effort. If you have come up with your "million dollar idea" and plan to have the group design it for you, be aware of the fact that
we DO plan to share the final results, so this is NOT for proprietary purposes, OR a place to "show off" something which has already been done, (that's the "Show and Tell" session..).
Just give us some dimensions, and a purpose, we'll try to see what we can create with using the collective pool of brain cells... Bill P.
03-17-2003, 11:28 AM
Bill J. ,
The file swapping idea is great! We're hoping to have a "white board"posting things that are sort of spontaneous at the Jamboree ( 'Botter looking for files of left handed giraffes in .dxf format, etc."). You could list what YOU have to offer and if we can squeeze time in between session we'll have a "flea market" kind of area for stuff like this. We have also thought that it might be a good place to "exchange"computer parts, old Shopbot parts, etc. For the people flying in to Durham we will see if we can't come up with an "address"you can use to ship things in advance of your arrival, so you are not stuck at airport security trying to explain what a "ball screw Z axis" is to someone with an M-16 over their shoulder...
The main pupose of the Jamboree is to exchange info/ideas, so why not parts as well? Bill P.
03-22-2003, 07:36 AM
If you're planning on bringing your family to Durham for the Jamboree this year, Tracy Leuchtmann has put together a great list of all kinds of things for them to do. You can find it at
03-28-2003, 09:11 AM
any chance of getting the presentations 'documented' in some fashion? maybe video or short write-up?
03-28-2003, 12:25 PM
Question...When does the Jamboree *officially* start and end? What time Thursday and what time Saturday?
03-28-2003, 02:25 PM
David, that's a great idea, but I think at the moment we are spread pretty thin in terms of people to do it. If anyone out there who plans to attend would be willing to help us out with this you'd be doing a lot of people a service. The Hilton presentations will be easier as they are in a room with the lecturer at the front, so a single camera setup would cover the morning session for both days.
Back at Shopbot it gets problematic..We will be having a number of things going on all at the same time, in different rooms, so it might take something of a "roving correspondent"approach to cover things there. If anyone would be willing to work with us on this, please let us know.
The short write up is another angle we will have to look into as it will be tough to do anything in advance for much of the panel discussions, but we DO have some handout material already lined up for one or two presentations in the shop. Bill P.
03-28-2003, 02:29 PM
Brady, The proposed schedule is; Thursday evening at the Hilton 6:30-8:30, welcoming cocktail hour/get together.
Friday and Saturday mornings from 9AM-Noon at the Hilton
Friday and Saturday afternoons from 1-5PM back at Shopbot. We are currently trying to get the luncheon locations arranged and we'll post those when we are finalized, but they will be either at Shopbot or the Hilton.
A reminder; for those of you planning on attending, please get your Jamboree and hotel reservations in soon...Thanks, Bill P.
04-04-2003, 10:06 PM
Regarding our design proposals: First of all thanks to those people who have sent in some of their ideas for projects to "brainstorm"at the Jamboree. While the ideas are great we've actually been getting completed projects, including offers of final cutting files!. We were really hoping to generate more of a dialogue based on "I have an idea, but need help in getting it into the computer, and on to the Shopbot for cutting".
We just want to get people to see how different projects can be generated from a singular concept.
And the reason we aren't trying to do this "on the fly" at the Jamboree is our limited time frame. Instead of spending the entire session on ONE item, we'd like to throw a little variety into the mix. And then see how cabinet makers, sign makers, boat builders,sculptors, etc. look at the projects. This topic alone could take half a day, but we don't have that luxury, so we're trying to do as much 'prep work"as possible.
To date we have over 60 people pre-registered for the sessions. if you are planning to attend, please contact us as soon as you are able. We are trying to finalize the schedule , and as soon as we get the go ahead from Durham, we'll post it all here on the Forum.
And again a reminder for the "Show and tell" session, please limit your display to NO MORE than 4 items as space will be at a premium this year...Thanks..
04-14-2003, 10:21 PM
Jamboree Schedule!
We have posted the Jamboree schedule on Shopbot's web page. Hopefully this will answer some of the questions people have been asking over the last few weeks. The morning sessions at the Hilton will be set up in a "lecture" style format, while the afternoon sessions back at Shopbot will be a combination of "panel" discussions, and in shop demos.
We are going to try and squeeze a LOT of information into a very short amount of time, so we'd ask that you register in advance, and give yourself enough time to make the start of each session.
As those who attended last year can tell you, business cards, and cameras are good things to have with you. And the Shopbot store will be open as well, so save some room in your suitcases...
If anyone needs further info about any of the sessions please get back to us ASAP..Thanks again, Bill, Martha, and Bill
04-20-2003, 08:24 PM
As of Friday we had passed the 90 mark for pre- registrations..! If things go as they did last year we'll have a bunch more during this next, and last full week before we kick things off. If you are planning to attend please contact Shopbot ASAP so we can finalize all the arrangements and insure that we have everyone covered. Thanks..
04-21-2003, 11:38 PM
Wow! That's a decent number of people.
Anybody else scrambling to get their Show n Tell ready?
04-22-2003, 01:36 AM
Are there going to be any vendors at the event?
04-22-2003, 10:19 AM
I think Onsrud Cutter is supposed to be there...Make some you bring some $$$ for bits. OC bits are top-notch.
If you go here there's a list of the schedule:
04-22-2003, 10:30 AM
If you mean "vendors"as in people there with tables of stuff they are selling, no. There WILL be representatives of companies that have products used by Shopbotters giving two of the morning presentations; Onsrud router bits, and Delcam software. In addition a rep from the Oriental motor company ( which manufactures all of the motors for our Shopbots) , will be on hand Friday to answer any questions people might have....Bill P.
04-23-2003, 12:12 AM
Understood that it wasn't a "vendor" type of show (ie.. Woodworking show), but I was curious if companies (like Onsrud) would be there with products for demo/sale in addition to the presentation. For example, I would love to move into Artcam Pro but not until there is a significant change in the current price or a real "show" special offer.
See you there...
04-23-2003, 12:26 PM
As expected there is a last minute rush to get registered for next week's Jamboree. While this is a good thing, it also presents the problem we have mentioned a number of times before; we HAVE to know how many people to expect in order to arrange meals, T-shirts, etc. So we are going to have to create a "deadline" point beyond which we cannot guarantee either lunch, a T-shirt, or any other amenities that may develop. This deadline will be; MONDAY, APRIL 28th, at NOON !!!
Anyone wishing to register after that time will still be more than welcome to attend all of the classes, lectures, but with the understanding that we just may not have enough goodies to go around...(However I still think the $25 registration fee is a deal even without all of the trimmings...)
So please contact us as soon as your plans solidify..Thanks again..Bill/Martha/Bill
05-04-2003, 05:45 PM
I just got back from the Jamboree, and I'd like to take a few minutes to thank everyone for making it a great time..
The crew at Shopbot worked hard to keep the facilties available for a number of different venues. By moving the "industrial furniture" around frequently, they allowed us to go from a picnic lunch to a shop floor with five machines running seamlessly. Martha Barbour and the office staff had spent weeks of answering phone calls, and made up full packets of info, goodies, and door prizes for everyone.
The company reps; James Booth from Delcam, and Scott Feimster from Onsrud, went above the normal call of duty and made themselves available as resources for both full days of the Jamboree.
The speakers in both the shop, and training room sessions (Grant Bailey, John Forney, Chris Burns, Tim Elliot, Chip Marshall, and Gordon and Roy Bergfors) gave people some first hand insights to both theoretical, and practical applications of the machines.
Sallye Coyle did six hours of training on Thursday, and another 90 minutes on Saturday (!), and certainly earned her title as "The Part Wizard Queen".
Ted Hall's presentation of the new software convinced everyone that it has indeed been well worth the wait, and then he introduced some new projects which are working their way off the drawing board and into reality pretty quickly as well.
The attendees were a lot of fun to work with this year. Many new faces, and some pretty familar ones as well. We could not have covered as much material as we did without the co-operation of everyone in a group this large. In spite of moving over a hundred people back and forth from the Hilton to Shopbot we were able to keep within our alloted time frame, and covered just about everything we had hoped to.
With each attempt at this, we learn more. And we've already got some ideas for the next one...
If anyone who attended took any pictures you'd like to share with everyone, please e-mail them to; Jamboree'll try to get them posted on the web page as soon as possible..
And as Bill Young and I mused over the weekend's happenings last evening we were again reminded that Shopbotters are indeed a pretty remarkable group of people... Bill P.
05-04-2003, 08:08 PM
Bill, et al
I, for one, want to thank the amazing Shopbot staff for an incredible jamboree. There can't be another company with so much espirt de corp and dedication to providing top notch customer service. Thanks again for what must have been months of intensive preparation for the jamboree while still being able to provide an outstanding suite of products without missing a beat. And thanks to the vendors that contributed so much. What a team!!! Congratulations on a great event. Pete
05-04-2003, 11:18 PM
I would also like to thank the staff, vendors and fellow Botters that made my 1st Jamboree so great. I think that it is important to note that 'We the people of ShopBot...' helped to make this experience what it was. I think that we ShopBotters really benefit from the collective sharing of ideas and techniques, like some of the ones displayed this weekend. There is no other brand of CNC machinery on the face of this earth with a community like ours. You don't actually think that a 'Komo Convention' could ever be that great do ya? ;)
It was nice to share a common interest with so many genuine, sincere and talented people this weekend. I have walked away with many tips & tricks, ideas and new friends. It seems that everytime that I interact with someone in the ShopBot community, whether it is a fellow owner or the ShopBot staff, I am reminded once again that I have definately made the right choice in machinery.
It was nice to finally put some names with faces! So thanks again to everyone!!! I really had a great time!
05-05-2003, 03:25 PM
Bill P. summed it up pretty well, but I just wanted to add my thanks to all the Jamboree-ers for making the Jamboree so much fun this year. There were quite a few familiar faces but also lots of new ones as well. Something that really stuck in my mind was the number of times I overheard a conversation between 2 ShopBotters ( and "not-quite-yet" ShopBotters) that started with the words "Imagine if....". It'll be interesting to see what develops from some of these conversation.
One important note. If either Bill P or I told you we would do something when we got back home and you don't hear from us in the next couple of days, PLEASE email and remind us. We both have the best of intentions, but unfortunately also have pretty poor memories.
Thanks again to all for making it a great event, and look forward to seeing y'all next year.
To Our Friends at ShopBot,
Thanks again for another successful Jamboree! Your hard work and organization in assembling Jamboree 2003 is apparent with the type of hands-on exercises, seminars, vendors, and Q&A sessions. As usual, I always pick up some useful hint or shortcut by meeting and talking to other ShopBot owners. Like last year, my wife, Tracy, and our sons joined me at this year’s Jamboree and had a great time visiting the sights of Durham. They again visited the Museum of Life and Science and enjoyed the flowers and greenery at Sara P. Duke Gardens. We would love to see more ShopBotting families next year and encourage them to tag along with their ShopBotter. Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.
We will be more than happy to answer any questions regarding things to do and see while your ShopBotter is attending the seminars. You can contact us via our e-mail address.
A special thanks to the Bill's and Martha!
05-07-2003, 01:16 PM
Jamboree photos?
We have received a few so far, but there were a LOT of people taking shots all weekend. Please pick your favorites, and send them on to; (
Thanks again, Bill P.
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