12-17-2000, 04:17 PM
Has anybody compared these two programs? I have not seen modelmill but the millwizard looked pretty impressive next to bobcad...blew it away for a third of the cost. I would like to know what more experienced 3d 2d programmers think. Especially in VALUE comparison. $3000 vs $250
12-18-2000, 05:23 AM
Hey Flyboy,
I have not had the experience of using
Mill Wizard. But I have with Model Mill.
I only wish I had $3000 laying around.
And a click in the 3D signmaking industry.
The program is awesome to say the least.
I have a demo version. It can import 3d models.
It can stretch, warp, wave, balloon, smooth,
etc., 3d objects. The main thing is working with each object individually, scaling,resizing, and stretching the Z(to allow for material thickness), and then quickly being able to view a rendering. You can take a 2d profile and
extrude it around a path to make for example
a border moulding. This can even be twisted
around the path. Imagine a rope. Draw 3 cirles
for the crosscut. Draw a path(any shape for border). Extrude and revolve profile. And you have
it. You can import bitmap texture for the background. Such as wood grain, etc. You can
draw with 2d text stretch, scale, wave, round over, all the works.
I don't know too much about Mill Wizard.
But Model Mill is one of the most user friendly
programs, I've ever used.
The only thing I want to know is "Where do you
get all the dang 3d Models you would need to
make the sign or carving you would want???"
3d digitzers and a pattern seem to be the best
answer. Such as the SB Probe.
I know "Why would you want Model Mill if you have
the probe?"
I was just "Blown Away" by its ability to work
with seperate entities to establish a "Finished
Work of Art". Then create toolpaths per user
defined. roughout to finish pass.
See if you can still get a Demo.
alton (
P.S. I'm not a Rep., I just like it.
12-18-2000, 10:06 AM
The expensive programs are expensive for a reason. Compare a VW bus with a Porsche...why is the Porsche more expensive? Of course you have to work with what you can afford. Just remember that if there are any quirks or things you don't like about your VW bus, it has probably been worked out in the Porsche.
Johnny T. (
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