View Full Version : Dust Collection System...
12-16-2006, 01:24 PM
I'm looking for input and opinions on which dust collector to buy. I am considering the Oneida Super Gorilla 3hp & the Penne State "S" Series 5 hp systems. I also looked at the Clear View, but for the price, there is way too much DIY than I am willing to do. The others are complete systems ready to go. I'm not looking for a challenge, just good honest dust collection to save me clean-up time and preserve a couple of extra years to my good health. Anyone have experience with these systems....what's the good, bad, and you know....Thanks!
12-16-2006, 03:41 PM
I installed the 3HP Oneida Super Gorilla this past February. Love it. Installation of the unit itself was straight forward with just a few exceptions.
1) The bolts on top of the unit were heavily painted. I had to get a thread cleaner to get the nuts to thread.
2) I did not get a stand, I'm using the wall mount bracket since it fit my installation location perfectly. It does not fill me with confidence just hanging there. I added a small 3rd leg on the front of the bracket and it worked perfect.
3) When I installed it the remote switch worked but you could not turn the unit on with the manual button. Oneida promptly sent me a new switch that has worked ever since.
That's about it, I've not had a minutes trouble with it and it really sucks. ;-)
12-16-2006, 04:53 PM
I have had the 2 hp. Gorilla for 1.5 years and it works well with 2 ports open. Make sure all the electic components are UL approved (check before taking delivery).
12-17-2006, 12:37 PM
I have the cleirview and it was not a big deal. but it replaced my 2hp homemade cyclone. if you have the money no reason not to get a prebuilt setup.
12-17-2006, 01:26 PM
Great! Thanks for the input so far. I have narrowed it down to either the oneida super gorilla 3hp or the Pen State 5 hp.
Both are the same price. Looks like Oneida may have the edge in quality (at least if you believe their sales propoganda), but the PSI offers higher hp for the money. Could there really be that big of a quality differential? The basic engineering looks the same from my viewpoint.
Am I way over-thinking this one? I have a tendency to over analyze things. I want a really, really clean shop, and I'm not running long distances, or even running multiple machines at the same time. So if 5 hp is overkill in my situation then pleae let me know. Thanks again!
12-17-2006, 06:01 PM
Guido, I would take the quality of the US built motor which I think is a Baldor, far above the _rap from China. If it is really 5HP it is probably overkill if you are just using it on the Bot.
12-17-2006, 08:55 PM
There is a lot more to the design than the HP of the motor. I did a lot of research and kept coming back to Oneida.
David Iannone
12-18-2006, 12:02 AM
I run my bot in a garage with a $150 Rigid shopvac from home depot. I am very happy with the results for the money. I am on the cheap end I know. Guido, my advise is go get a shop vac from home depot, see what you think. Maybe you need more power, but a good shop vac will never go to waist.
12-18-2006, 06:32 AM
I use a central machinery 2 hp dust collector i got from harbor freight,its on sale until dec 28 for $169,i know it's made in china but money is a little tight here at christmas so i thaught i would give it a try,so far it works realy good.
12-18-2006, 03:34 PM
Anyone using the Veritas® Cyclone Lids on a trash can in front of their DC?
I was thinking about putting one in front of a Harbor Freight unit.
12-19-2006, 10:50 PM
We put one of these in my shop at school about 3 years ago. It may be somewhat big for most of you though. I have to keep my blast gate partially shut to keep the fins on the dust skirt from sucking in.
I have this one
It's good enough for my CNC and Panel Saw, I also have a Air Filtration right above my CNC for the small dust particles
12-20-2006, 03:21 PM
I have the almost the same one as Erik accept it is the 5HP Quad bag one and I have been using it since 1972. It works great removing from the shopbot, my table saw and my planner. All are open at the same time. There are no gates on any of them.
12-21-2006, 11:26 AM
Allright, I want to thank all of you for your input on this issue, I certainly weighted everyone's opinions equally, and appreciate that you all took time to respond.
I placed my order for the Oneida 3hp Super Gorilla yesterday. It seemed like the obvious choice as all roads lead back to Oneida, including magazine, and personal testimonials. On top of that, the wife told me "buy it once, and buy a system that I'll be most happy with". The same thing she told me when I was making a decision about router or spindle. We are finally at a point in our lives where settling for second best is no longer desirable.
When I called Oneida, I spoke to one of their engineers who took about 20-30 minutes out of his day to give me insite about set up of the dc system, and what the proper ducting would be for it. That pretty much sealed the deal. I feel as though I will have the support I need if anything should go sideways. On top of that, something most of you should appreciate, Oneida has their own online forum that is very similar to this one. Always nice to know there is support around at all times!
I'll keep y'all updated on assembly and performance once it arrives. Untill then.....
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