View Full Version : Using ogee bit and cut out

08-22-2008, 11:13 AM

Can someone give me some direction on some settings they use for an ogee bit. How do you know how far to let the bit dig into the surface? Then when you're cutting out the shape, how far out should the bit be so you don't trash your nice edgeing. My results so far have been less then satisfactory! Thanks.

08-23-2008, 02:36 AM
Are you using a bit designed for plunging ? As far as the offset to cut out the piece it depends on the bit diameter . Just divide the bit by 1/2 and add a little for clearance , Maybe .02 You can get this toolpath by doing a outside line offset in the software . Hope this helps

08-23-2008, 11:05 PM
Here are two options. The one I use most is to first draw the edge of the workpiece and the profile of the bit.


Then move the bit profile where you think it looks good. The offset is the distance from the workpiece edge to the center of the bit, and the depth of cut is pretty straightforward.


This method works well for complicated or multiple-bit profiles or whenever precise accuracy is required.

The other option is to just hold the bit up to a corner of the workpiece (or any piece) and just measure the offset and the depth directly.


To figure the offset for the cutout bit, just use half the bit diameter from the workpiece edge.

08-25-2008, 11:22 AM
That awesome guys, thanks for your help. That very clearly answers my questions