View Full Version : Older & Wiser ?

06-10-2007, 11:53 AM
This may be taken down and may not be appreciated but I had to try. Forgive me for any unintended intrusion but maybe other Botters are thinking along the same lines?
In our ongoing quest to participate as part of the
"Informed Electorate" my wife, Mardi & I are feeling compelled to share some worthwhile documentaries with those we know. Guess there is a lot of stuff out there and the so called debates taking place among an unprecedented number of fund raising candidates so it's rather difficult for Mardi and I to differentiate between the supposed "Important" campaign issues and rather meaningless dribble being fed to us on nightly party biased television and media.
I guess some of the documentaries could also be
perceived as biased but they seem to present a broader perspective to us so I thought I would do my part and send these recommendations along for your viewing and consideration.
These can be ordered on Netflix and perhaps at video stores but we don't frequent the retail rental shops so you're on your own with that.
Just find a way to get these and take the time to
watch them with your family to form your own
opinions. If you choose to let us know what you think, e-mails are appreciated but not expected.
Mostly we hope you watch these and pass them along to your friends to circulate some information one won't see or hear about in the mainstream media.
NEW recommendation....
A global perspective on Oil and the future reserves /alternatives. Might be rated as a horror movie but you decide. The facts are well presented from highly credible authorities, Industry experts, and scholors.

Other titles strongly recommended

"Who Killed The Electric Car"
It was out there in the late 80's in production and was passionately well received. So what happened? I think you'll scratch your head on this one and ask, so whats holding us up now? You may have a new opinion after this.

Al Gore's now famous documentary
"Inconvenient Truth"
probably gets the credit for Getting Global Warming on center stage and several new similar documentaries being shown on public TV. It does help show in clear and graphic terms what's happening out there. Not much doubt about the evidence. Not too much policy debate about a priority effort to address it as a nation YET

The High Cost of Low prices.
Uncovers the behind the scenes activities and impact on people,health care costs being borne by taxpayers(read you and me), small town/ community destruction, Chinese & foreign sourcing of goods, and their supposed "human rights concerns at their suppliers" plus the Walton family public vs private persona.
Changed our minds about shopping at Wall mart & Sam's club for sure.

"America: Freedom to Fascism" A very interesting
investigative review searching for the "Written Law or amendment" that empowers "OUR" federal government to "Tax Wages".It's not in the US constitution so where is it? Very interesting testimony from public and private authorities including the IRS.
Another head scratcher.

So in General we ask ourselves after viewing these.
"What can we do about these situations?"

What about the impact of these conditions on our
children and future generations?

Since they really haven't and aren't entering the
public debate as "election Issues", we feel compelled to circulate the information to our friends and family members. Maybe if this stuff gets into circulation a candidate will emerge that is interested in addressing them. You know, Like working for the public that elects them...
Maybe the "uncomfortable and truly serious" issues
will start to enter the dialog.

Happy viewing and circulate as you feel appropriate.