View Full Version : PRS hardened rail ? & a picture of the dust foot

07-22-2007, 10:56 AM
A big thanks to Wayne Locke & Mike Kelly and I am well on the way to having my new baby up & running - one minor problem though - did anyone have problems with shimming the rails & then the Allen bolt slips out of the T nut. I had to put the T nuts in flange side down as they wouldnt fit, but the bolt would have been long enough if it were flange side up. Would it be ok to use a slightly longer bolt to get a better bite on the nut - this appears to be an obvious solution but I'm wide eyed & perhaps not seeing the obvious - Secondly, it appears I didnt get the hardware to attach the dust foot to the back of spindle carriage - could someone post a icture so I can see what I'm missing. I cant find any on the SB site - tia Neville

Gary Campbell
07-22-2007, 11:55 AM
Neville.. Here is a pic of the dustfoot mounted. The bracket on the dust foot slides into the z car extrusion. The wing bolt has to be out almost all the way. When you loosen the wing bolt to change bits, the foot will not fall off. Here is a pic.


07-22-2007, 11:58 AM
Hi Neville,

I cant speak to the T nut problem as I did not have to shim my rails.
I had the same question with the dust foot.
It goes into the hole in the aluminium of the Z.
It does not appear to fit at first. You need to file the edges of the bar on the foot. It will then slide in and be adjustable with the wing nut that is in the aluminium.

Hope this makes sense.


07-22-2007, 02:02 PM
AHA! thats what I needed.
Thanks Gary
Bob, I may have been trying to be too particular when leveling the hardened rail/wheel contact issue. I was pulling the Y car by one side & it torques a little bit, slightly lifting a wheel. I'm curious how much "play" is acceptable where both sides of the wheel contact the hardened edge. If I want them to be perfect(but do I need to be ) I will have to shim some more & BTW 1 inch 5/16th bolts will work if anyone else has this problem - the supplied 7/8ths long are just a wee bit short & wont grab the tnut if it slips off.

07-22-2007, 02:31 PM
More than likely you were shipped the wrong screws. The counterbore has been changed and you should have recieved 3/4" button head screws. The previous counterbore used a 5/8" socket head screw. Call SB to confirm.