View Full Version : PB's New HDU

03-26-2008, 07:52 AM
Coastal Enterprises the manufacturers of Precision Board has introduced a new version of their HDU. www.precisionboard.com (http://www.precisionboard.com)

I've been giving it a test and it's very impressive. Side by side, their old 15lb and the new, was the subject of a couple of hours tests. My first impression was how smooth the new product appeared. I hand carved both and found chips on the new version slightly flexable while the previous stock was brittle. Also the new stock would carry more fine detail.

But the most impressive was under the CNC. This new green stock didn't create the grit and dust as pervious but rendered very precise details. To me it performed more like 18lb stock.

I'm looking to using it in our shop. It will be shipping this spring. They have free tickets for the ISA (International Sign Association) in Florida, by going on line. Contact Kellie Miller

PB is sponcoring Dan Sawatsky, www.imaginationcorporation.ca (http://www.imaginationcorporation.ca) and myself www.normansignco.com (http://www.normansignco.com) in their advertising this year. Yahooooo!

03-26-2008, 10:14 AM
Hey Joe, is it kinda like Duna Board, that other green stuff? I have found Precision board to be in line with pricing vs. Duna and is actually cheaper in some sizes/thicknesses (from my local supplier), but I prefer cutting Duna because of the grit and dust from PB.

Beautiful and inspiring work on your web site, Joe.

03-26-2008, 07:07 PM
Thanks Mark,

If I had to a measure on the new Green PB I'd say it's like a cross between Duna and Sign Foam. It's sure an improvement over the old stuff.

You should come back to Letterville. I'll back you up.


03-27-2008, 10:45 AM
Nah, Joe, I don't need that place and they dang sure didn't need me! LOL! I'll just put that $50.00 towards a 4G upgrade for my old Bot and if I need advice from an old pro, there's always you and Raymond in here. It don't get much better than that!

BTW, that DTM paint you turned me on to is doing a great job. I am definitely adding it to my arsenal!

03-27-2008, 06:46 PM
Glad to Help

03-28-2008, 01:03 PM
About how much does 3/4 of maybe 1 1/2" thick precision board cost?

03-29-2008, 12:35 AM
Comes in 4x8 sheets (and larger), of varying thicknesses. My local supplier has stopped carrying PB for some reason, but a sheet of 4x8x 1&1/2" should be around $300.00? Joe?

03-29-2008, 12:36 AM
Earlier this month I gave $220 for 1" Corafoam and $340 for 1 1/2". I won't use precision board due to having to prime it and the grit from cutting.

03-29-2008, 07:44 AM

It's a new world when it comes to HDU.

The first change which has affected many of us is the lack of stock on the shelves of wholesalers. A couple of years back we could buy 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1.5" and 2" in a several densities with a local phone call. Now were lucky to get 15lb and only in 1.5".

I spoke with Kellie at PB about this. She confirmed my suspecions and it's going on everywhere. Thanks to our national financial situation, most supply houses can't afford having such expensive material sitting on the shelves. Just think, a few years back our country was in tall grass.

Another change, Better Quality. As James mentioned, PB has been very grity. They've ended that problem. You should ask for their free sample kit. The density has increased much like Duna (Corafoam).

I received some 1.5" 15lb yesterday from Reece Supply at $240.00. The 2" was $316.00

Laird will ship Duna to us but the basic shipping and crating cost is $150. That's for one sheet or five which takes them out of the picture. Corafoam has serious distribution problems around the US. Nice product but if you can't get it, for all practical purposes it doesn't exist.

03-29-2008, 03:08 PM

I agree on it being a new world in HDU.

Yes with the tight budget of most companies they don't keep alot of stock on the shelves. Laird in Austin carries 1", 1.5" and 2" of the Duna, and will order it if I ask. When I bought the last time they had only 3 of the 4 sheets of 1.5" I needed. My sales person there went straight to their purchasing agent and ordered more. When I called for delivery date he checked and found they had ordered from PB, and had that cancelled and got the Duna for me. We had a few words the last time they said they had Duna and it turned out to be PB.

I agree that Duna has a problem with distribution, making it hard for most suppliers to meet the minimum order amount, but I am sure they will come around in time. Main reason I insist on the Duna now is the grit I had from SF and PB, and not having to prime.

Who do I contact for the sample kit of PB? I would like to check it out. Does it still need to be primed in the new version?

03-29-2008, 08:53 PM

Since you have a good HDU supply and happy with the product, I probably stay with that. However you could go to the sign division of Coastal and try out their sample kit.

One thing they off which is exclusive is their primers, hardcoats, elastomeric coatings and adhesives. While looking over their website stop in and see Kellie's demo on primers.


03-30-2008, 12:00 AM
Joe, I will be sure to check it out. Here is the latest project I am working on. Hoping to install these early next week.



I have had aluminum frames like the one on the previous job ( picture on my site ) made and just need to finish the shading on the "pipe" and drop them in. Two of the signs were done to be able to change the information on them, a sure sale on inserts for the repeat business. Plus they want them to be able to be relocated. Easy install for me using t-posts for in the ground and aluminum strapping and clamps to fasten them to the existing fence. No holes to dig on this one. Now how good is that!
