View Full Version : What am I doing wrong

02-10-2008, 06:56 PM
I am trying to cut some Vetric 3D "A" type files to make some appliques. The problem is I can't get them to cut thru my stock. I am playing with 3/4 MDf actually .765 thick. I set up the 3D file with .77 thick model in .77 thick stock thinking that would put the finish cut thru the stock. It did not. So without touching anything I retoolpathed droping the design into the stock .004. No help kept doing that untill I am .020 into the stock and it still doesn't cut free. I know it has to be something I am doing wrong but after 8 hours of trying I am stuck. Any advice would be appretiated.

02-10-2008, 10:15 PM

Reading your description, that should work for you, but it would still depend on where you zero your Z.

When cutting out MDF parts, I often toolpath it as if my material was .75", then I zero my Z to the table surface and then raise it .74", then re-zero my Z. On the final pass, I'm cutting .01" into my spoilboard.

02-10-2008, 10:19 PM
Bill, are you making sure to re preview the toolpath? If you change the toolpath but do not preview the new toolpath it will leave the old image on the screen

02-11-2008, 11:00 AM
Thanks Scott & Ryan. Ryan I did preview some of the time but not every time. I retoolpathed rough and final then saved the file as a different name. Then went to partworks deleted the old toolpaths and image then brought the new one in. I did not know the preview would matter. I finally did a cutout toolpath just to get it out of the blank. I had to set the leave material block to -.021 to get it to cut out.Just scratched the spoilboard. I did find that when I z-zero with my plate which is .120 thick and set in shopbot setup then drive it back to zero at that same spot I can slide a .006 feeler gage under it.