View Full Version : Almost ready to Buy

02-17-2005, 10:07 AM
OK guys first off,
I think the shopbot tool and the shopbot community are outstanding. I have been reading, reading and reading and I have spoken to several botters and have nothing but good things to say.

Getting ready to purchase my first CNC ( probably first part of next month), are there any CNC machines that even come close to shopbot in price in performance? I have been looking for about a month now and all I find are machines well above $30,000. In fairness, if there is something to compare to would someone be willing to share that info with me.

I will primarily be doing flat sheet MDF, mantles, arches etc.

Thank You


02-17-2005, 12:29 PM

I don't think your goanna find anything close to the price of the Shopbot from my experience. And I doubt you will find another forum as active on the subject either.

Would you ask a group of Harley enthusiasts where to find a motorcycle to compare to a Harley?

02-17-2005, 12:57 PM
Thank you Frank your post,

Hmmm,Let me rephase my question,
What would be the closest CNC machine manufacturer that could offer similar performance or perhaps improved performance at any cost.

If there is any.
My point is that I cant find another machine close to ShopBot, just to see what theirs can't do.

I only want to compare apples to apples.
Of course everyone knows nothing compares to a Harley, LOL

Thanks again


geneM (Unregistered Guest)
02-18-2005, 09:23 AM
Franks right.
We are here because we have All gone thru that decision making process and made the choice to purchase a big blue machine from Durham NC.
If you want honest feedback on other machines,all of us chose not to buy them.

breaking it down for you...

1) you like the Forum....try to find one, that compares to this one, from any other manufacturer.

2) If you can purchase one of "theirs", you could puchase TWO of shopbots.

3) Ask the wood you will be cutting to see if it cares one way or another, didn't answer huh.

4)the parts you cut will command the same price and respect weather you mortgage your house for a "techno" or put a Shopbot on your plastic.

Ya, Im sarcastic sometimes.

Make the plunge, get your machine, It will change your life.

Just don't move your shop to my town.LOL
We do architechtural stuff too.

gene marshall www.marshallsmillwork.com (http://www.marshallsmillwork.com)

02-18-2005, 09:49 AM
Yes, buy the shopbot. Techno LC is overpriced for what it is , and the new Alpha is a much better machine and much faster. I'm buying the new Alpha later this year for Nesting Cabinet parts(mostly 3/4" plywood). I've looked into every machine in the under $60,000 price range, and the Alpha is by far the best machine in this class. I bought a used PR to get started with then will sell it for the down payment for the Alpha . I couldn't wait to get started with the new Bot, I'm learning Partswizard now and getting a feel for CNC . Kina like buying a Honda 250 before buying a big ol Harley.

If your riding off road a Harley anint going to make it. I ride a DRZ400 Suzuki Dual Sport.

"If ya aint Sliding, ya aint riding".

02-18-2005, 10:02 AM
Alright, Alright,

You guys win, Aint nothing to compare.

Looks like I'm getting a ShopBot.

Started forming the slab for my new shop today.

Thanks guys,

02-18-2005, 02:21 PM
And if you want to know what I think of my 'bot the electrician just finished wiring up the 220 to the spindle and vacuum pump on Shopbot #2 today. I directly compete with some shops with "big iron" for parts contracts. Sometimes we lose a bid on parts cutting but we usually win.

Now I just need to find the spare time to learn how to use this new indexer........


02-01-2006, 08:03 AM
Another compliment to the support group at ShopBot... Had a small (in my mind large) disaster occur last Sunday and emailed support with the situation. Before the day was out...still SUNDAY, I got a response from Chris Burns on how to proceed. I can't say enough good about the ShopBot organization, and the support staff in particular. For ANYONE considering the purchase of a ShopBot, one of the primary (overiding) factors ought to be the excellent level of service we have with the ShopBot organization. Thanks guys! This isn't the first time you've bailed me out.