View Full Version : V-Carve & Artcam

11-29-2006, 10:23 PM
Does Artcam 8.1 pro have all of the features of V-carve.What I'm asking is can Artcam do Vcarving as well?
I just downloaded the trial version of V-carve and was suprised that it doesn't have any measuring tools.
The texturing feature is a nice tool


Brady Watson
11-30-2006, 01:44 AM
ArtCAM will do v-carving & just about anything that you want to do on a CNC router. While it does full v-carving & prismatic letters, Vectric's program does it more efficiently and cleanly than ArtCAM in my experience.

If you just want to v-carve and do things like that, VCW is a great value. If you want the ability to create, sculpt and toolpath everything 2D and 3D, then ArtCAM is the tool you need.
