View Full Version : Big thanks to Mike Richards andd Bruce Clark
Heya I want to thank both of you for making it soo easy to make MDF doors. I spend alot of $$ each year on very very similar doors and with very little trial and error Im getting flawless doors thanks to you guys!
I tried and tried and tried to use cabinet parts pro's version but it is super buggy, one wrong keystroke and it completely shuts down the prog.
Anyways I cut out about 18 doors on Sat heres a few pics.
First run
Close up
03-21-2007, 06:01 AM
Nice work Danny,what combination of toolpath's and cutter's did you end up using to make the door's?
03-21-2007, 08:41 AM
I too would like to thank Mike and Bruce. Mom really likes the doors I made for her. I used the "recommended" bits but would like to see or try some other router bit combinations.
03-21-2007, 09:35 AM
OK, I don't do cabinets, but they way that looks... Maybe my wife needs some laundry cabinets. I can't get over the sharp corner on the inside routed corner. I need to learn how to do that. Looks like some of the same magic V-Carve pro does.
for the toolpaths.. I use
1. cove, I kept same toolath but use a 1" raduis bit (type for fluting)
2 vcut, i use a simple 3/4" 90 deg v bit.
3 parimeter and groove I use a 3/8 flute bit
03-21-2007, 03:06 PM
Danny and all,
Thanks for the compliment, but really Mike did all the hard work. I just made it look pretty.
Do you have some pictures of the doors you cut that I can add to the Free Doors website? It is very "plain" at the moment.
Yeah Ill send you some from the camera, not my phone tomorrow..
03-22-2007, 02:07 AM
WHat is your table top made from? It looks like it is raised in the pictures?
Yeah Hi Dave.. Yeah the table was too low from the factory ,so I ripped some 4" stringers and added 2" legs glued and nailed w tightbond.Then bolted to frame. Then I glued and nailed down a sheet of 3/4 mdf, then surfaced it about 1/16" then used reg silicone caulking and screws to adhere the spoil board.
I used silicone because it holds great and when I replace the spoilboard I can simply peel off the caulking like a rubberband.
Then I surfaced the spoilboard 1/16"
I zero everything at the spoilboard and because its all laminated like a gluelamb makes it rigid and flat as hell, no warping like plywood.
03-22-2007, 02:47 AM
Danny, it's good to know that someone is actually using the software.
Bruce is too modest. He took something that was essentially a spreadsheet and made it usable. The part that I wrote would have been of little use to anyone but me, or other left-handed programmers who always try to find the least user-friendly way of doing thing. Bruce made it easy for everyone to use.
Well thanks to the both of you, Ill save close to 30k this year.. Along with learning how to do something new which is waay more imporntant to me
03-22-2007, 06:35 PM
Mike and I are always open to donations--Mike may even add more features if the donation is large enough!
Just kidding, but I too am glad to hear that someone is actually putting FreeDoors to work.
One thing I am serious about. If you have any suggestions to improve workflow or the interface, I would love to hear them. It may not happen right away, but as I learn things, it usually end up in the software I write.
PS On your profile, that Shark does not look like it was cut with a ShopBot--I hope he was good eating! Nothing better than fresh fried shark and fries. The classic fish and chips...
Yes actually I do have some input on the interface. Give me your ## Ill call you. Or gimme a call on my cell 949-293-8318.
Yea I do Mako tournament 3x a year. Only keep anything over 130 lbs otherwise they dont have 3 breeding seasons but mmm mako is "da kine". I brought in a 470 lb male last year this time off of Palos Verdes.
03-22-2007, 08:42 PM
Nice toothy.
I've seen the pic before I think, either on BD or AC.
I don't fish Makos anymore... my addiction is strictly scuba these days.
27' Radon in Oxnard.
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