View Full Version : Cabinet Vision users?

10-30-2007, 09:29 PM
Anyone using Cabinet Vision?
I have the chance to pick up the latest version (4.1) with every option, the guy paid close to 30k for it new. needless to say I am not paying anything close to that!
Mostly I am looking for something to do quick kitchen/closet layouts with a customer, show them a rendering and then get pricing and cut lists from it.
It does have the CNC module with it so once we have a SB we should be all set. Anybody cut from cabinet vision?

10-30-2007, 09:52 PM
Check to make sure the CabinetVision has the ShopBot post included (or even available), or what the costs will be if you have to purchase another post processor for the ShopBot (or any other brand of CNC machine). Hopefully the license transfer will include support, or the ability to continue support.

If he is moving from CabinetVision to another piece of software, what software does he feel is worth the move?

10-31-2007, 12:36 PM
To my knowledge there is not a post from cabinet vision to shopbot. At least that is what the salesman told me and they were not willing to write one. He said that the shopbot was a entry level machine and that if I ever moved up to a larger machine they would be happy to assist me. I told him to not let the door hit him in the a_ _ when he left. I have invested over 25,000 in CV software but want be investing any more.

10-31-2007, 04:34 PM
He does a lot more than cabinets and he started using Auto Cad. He is now using Microvellum, he is a dealer/tech guy for them in our area.
To transfer the license to me, I have to pay %60 of his total purchase price to Planit then $1450 for a year of support.
According to Planit, you do not own the software, you only bought the key.
Needless to say we wont be going through Planit on this sale!

10-31-2007, 05:00 PM
Thanks Geoff,

I was interested because I also made the move a few years ago from dedicated Cabinet software to a more generic package for design. While Alibre initially took me longer to setup my Cabinet Designs because it did not have any templates for woodworking, I have been happier as I am not limited to just the features the Cabinet software author saw fit to include. Still, I am always interested in why others are making the switch, and to what software

10-31-2007, 08:43 PM
You can do other designs in CV, I watched a sales rep draw a bench seat in about 5 min, I am sure once you know the ropes it is easy to do. My problem is I don't have the patience to RTFM I prefer to "crash and burn" my way to learning new software programs.
I had a copy of Auto Cad but it was way to tough for me to learn.
I saw an ad for Alibre and it looked interesting, I'll have to take a closer look.

10-31-2007, 09:43 PM
How long has the rep been doing this ? His whole job is to make it look as easy as falling off a log, I have seen reps design a kitchen in five minutes but you have to keep in mind this demo of there software is how they get paid. Is the rep going to teach "after the sale" or will he be too buisy , ON to the next sale,,,,Without good support most software is a pain. Be cautious and i wish you the best of luck..

11-01-2007, 01:35 AM
My opinion is that CAD software takes more effort to learn than any other application (OK, maybe not as much as photorendering or animation). But, surely more than any standard office application.

Whether it be CabinetVision, AutoCAD or even Alibre, it takes some time to pick up all the nuances and become proficient. I struggled through the training classes, until it finally made sense. Now after two years of constant use, I am beginning work on my 4th generation of Cabinet model, that incorporates all that I have learned from doing more cabinets than I can remember. For all the money we have to pour into software, it pales compared to the man hours spent learning how to use it properly.

11-01-2007, 11:08 AM
I have used cabinet vision solid for 6 years. For custom stuff there is not a better software. You can take a stock base cabinet and turn it into an entertainment center. I just got my bot and have no plans to get the CNC module. I don't have all the bells and whistles I think I have $7,000 in it.