View Full Version : What is wrong with this dxf file?

10-22-2007, 12:17 PM
this is a file that was done in corel. this is the second one and the problem is try to select all of the inner ovals and make a toolpath. but there is nothign wrong with each one I could find. I fixed it some by exporting it then importing it back to vcarve. I also duplicated them and that helped but still it is not perfect.

6763 (11.5 k)

10-22-2007, 12:33 PM
Hi Steve,

It's not clear what the problem is?

I can't see any ovals in the DXF file?

Can you send the VCPro file that includes your toolpaths to - support@vectric.com (mailto:support@vectric.com) - so we can see what settings you are using and what the problem might be.

If the original file was drawn in Corel then exporting as an EPS file should usually give better results.


10-22-2007, 12:35 PM
I just sent you an email with what i hope fixes the problem.
The ovals were saved as blocks, selecting the inside oval selects the outside at the same time.
Explode the oval then they become separate ovals.

Hope this helps, sorry if i misunderstood the problem and i drove the bus in the wrong direction.


10-22-2007, 12:39 PM
that sounds like the issue. I opened it in turbocad but I am not great with it knowing what to look for. so maybe having them send me a eps file would be better?
if this does not take care of it I will send the file.

10-22-2007, 03:37 PM
so the problems were quite a few the curves needed to be changed to polylines and the legs had some issues. it's all fixed now. thanks for all of the help.