View Full Version : Problems with MillWizard

10-25-2007, 04:06 PM
Hey Guys,

I've been using MW for toolpathing successfully for some time now. Some of my recent jobs have been large scale 3D models (covering most of my 48"x96" table) and it seems that MW is leaving artifacts on my models. By artifacts, I mean it's leaving random bumps on my nice smooth surfaces. The trial version of VisualMill that I have doesn't seem to cause the same issues, but I can't export a cut file from the eval. version.

It seems that MW has some kind of max resolution. When I give it a large mesh file (I've tried stl, 3ds, and dxf) and click to the "Setup Material" page, MW converts my nice high-res mesh, that took so long to load, to a lower-res bunch of lines.

Should I lower my mesh resolution? I'm on a good PC w/ 2GB of ram, so I don't think that's the issue....anyone else ever had a problem like this? Any suggestions?

10-25-2007, 05:15 PM
You're right on it Tony. Not much to do about it; this is an entry level 3D CAM... keep that in mind. MeshCAM handle this differently so are higher end 3D CAMs.

10-26-2007, 02:21 PM
Depending on the 3d application you are using to create the file in the first place if you create it with more polygons (higher resolution/bigger file size) when you ultimately bring it into millwizard your loss won't be so noticeable. However that will increase the load on your memory.

10-26-2007, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the replies. I believe this to be a software limitation on MillWizards side, given the high resolution of my 3D models. I am trying DeskProto on the advice of Dejan. Hopefully that will do better.

Brady Watson
10-26-2007, 07:58 PM
You might want to give Cut3D a try. It has a lot of nice features for what I believe is $300. I have cut many of my high resolution laser scans with Cut3D & aside from being limited to around 700MB in size (on my computer anyway) I haven't had any problems.
