View Full Version : 3D CNC ART

07-07-2005, 10:44 PM
O.K. Fellow botter's. After 2 years in the making I'm proud to announce that our beta test of 3D CNC ART for Shobotters is available on www.SHOPBOTPROJECTWIZARD.com (http://www.SHOPBOTPROJECTWIZARD.com).
John Forney and I have worked diligently to put together a library of fresh artwork that is being converted into 3d and Vee carvings ready to cut by cnc owners.
"Ready to Cut" means you just download the carving and associated files. Follow the tutorial. Load your material on the 'Bot and load Shopbot NC code provided and hit Enter. No special software required at this time.
We hope that this will open the door to those of you who haven't ventured into 3D carving yet but would like to. Also will give all other 3D capable 'Botter's a nice library to reference for that last minute project or a place for your customers to go to pick out that piece they want carved into their mantle..sign..headboard...etc.
The Rosette online now is free to download and use. Please feel free to give it a try. Future carvings will be available online at a small fee. We have over 100 fresh new pieces of artwork that were designed for carving, with 30-40 carvings ready to go. For now though we would truly appreciate any feedback from you after you have given the 3D Rosette a try. We have tried to think of everything and we have even tested the majority of the carvings ourselves, however your input is always helpful.
Please feel free to e-mail John or myself with your questions or suggestions.
Currently I will refrain from posting too much about the service on our forum here unless the information is beneficial to everyone. I'm the last person to want to turn the Forum into an advertising center.
Give the carving a try and let us know what you think.


07-08-2005, 09:53 AM
Bill, I was excited to see your post but do not see the downloads at the projectwizard.com link or in the home page download section. Am I missing something here? I do see the descriptions and instructions pages for the Box, spirograph and shelf but no rosette or downloads there either. Please help direct me forward.

07-08-2005, 10:16 AM

when you go to the link above scroll down to system requirements. Read that paragraph because it makes a difference if you need .net software or not. If you do not need the.net software just click on the first blue "here" and you will be able to Download the software.

07-08-2005, 11:08 AM
Hey guys,

We've got a new web page up for the Project Wizard (http://www.Shopbotprojectwizard.com) which hopefully makes it a little easier to figure out what you need to do. Before too long we'll have a Project Wizard forum topic but until then you can email any questions or comments to beta@shopbotprojectwizard.com (mailto:beta@shopbotprojectwizard.com)


07-08-2005, 12:23 PM
Hey Bill:
PWizard (inc .net components) downloaded and installed fine but the when attempting to open it I get an "install failed try again" message from the automatic updater. This computer runs ME and 128Ram and has n-videa card supporting opengl as I run Artcam Pro regularly on it.


07-08-2005, 12:25 PM

Do you have the ShopBot software installed on that computer?


07-08-2005, 01:06 PM
Bill: Vers3.4 for PRT installed under c/program files/shopbot. My SBfiles folders are elsewhere under c and under desktop.


07-08-2005, 01:12 PM
Hey Dave,

How about sending any details that you can give us on the error to beta@shopbotprojectwizard.com (mailto:beta@shopbotprojectwizard.com) and we'll see what we can figure out.


07-08-2005, 01:35 PM