View Full Version : How do you make a violin

12-08-2006, 02:00 PM
Does any one have a detailed plan on how to make a violin? I go to palatine High school and i would really like to know how to make one for my next project.

12-09-2006, 10:58 AM
No, but Woodcraft Supply sells a kit and maybe a book.

What an ambitious project!

You could learn a lot from examining the plans and parts that come in such a kit.

I'm not a luthier (stringed instrument maker) but I have a friend who makes ukes and mandolins and I rout his molds and many of his parts for his decorative pegheads and bridges. He does beautiful expert work and uses specialized equipment such as a press to heat and bend the sides into shape.

You should be able to find lots of info on the internet including forums like this one but that are dedicated to violin making.

Good luck

12-09-2006, 04:11 PM
Check out the Guild of American Luthiers web site for various instrument plans:

There is also a forum for the Association of Stringed Instrument Artisans:

Another forum on guitars & instrument building is at 13th Fret:

12-09-2006, 06:01 PM
Having built guitars in the past, I would recommend trying an acoustic guitar kit first if you've never built an instrument before. I think you'll find it larger and therefore easier to work with since the parts are bigger. They are also somewhat more forgiving than a violin when it comes to tolerances, excess glue issues, parts fitting, affect of finish on the acoustic qualities, etc. The sources posted above are great. In addition, checkout some kits and supplies from these sites...




12-11-2006, 02:33 PM
im not looking for a kit im looking for dimensions so i can from scratch.

12-11-2006, 11:30 PM
Sara: Forget the kits. One doesn't get involved with a cnc to do work comparable to "paint by numbers". Be as ambitious as you want to be. Take Randall's suggestions as a starting place and research, research, research. Don't get discouraged by the tough challenges. If it was easy anyone could do it. We look forward to reading about your progress and how much you learn while doing this.


12-12-2006, 08:27 AM

I too am interested in building a violin. I spent a considerable amount of effort searching the internet for free violin plans and was unsuccessful. I ended up purchasing a book from Woodcraft titled "Violin Making - A guide for the Amateur" for $14.95. This is a step by step book that includes all the details you could need for building a violin. It does include patterns.
