View Full Version : Questions for canadian shopbotters

03-13-2003, 11:40 PM
I am seriously considering the purchase of a benchtop model. I am wondering what to expect on importing into canada. I have registered for a gst number and contacted customs canada but know one can give me a solid answer (unsure what category a cnc router falls under). Its like they want me to wait and see what happens when i have it shipped. Did the canadians here who imported a machine pay duty...if so..how much? any problems reclaiming GST? thanks in advance for any advice.


03-13-2003, 11:58 PM
If you get a NAFTA decleration from shopbot , stating that it is made in the USA then there is no duty . You should have no problem getting back the GST , but you might get nailed for PST in Ontario . If you are having it shipped by truck then you will need a customs broker . I found one http://www.nearnorthcustoms.com/ in Ontario that was quite reasonable and freindly to deal with . --- The canadian peso is moving up lately . Start shopping for the best rate on buying greenbacks .

03-14-2003, 12:21 AM
thanks. i should have mentioned i am in Vancouver B.C

03-17-2003, 10:21 PM
There is no duty coming into canada on products that are made in the U.S. exept for a few protected products. Shopbot will give you 5 invoices for the border plus a letter stating that the unit was made in the U.S. If you use a broker they will charge you at least 2%.You can get your own importers number, it's the same as your gst number but the letters are changed. Customs will do this for you (give you the forms). You don't need an importers number if you are clearing it yourself at the border and you have purchased the unit in your own name.
But beware I tried to clear my shopbot at the border. I made it past the first booth went in to pay the tax. The cashier said "this isn't for personal use" and they sent me to the comercial compound. Becuase some of documents had my business name on them they wouldn't let me clear the machine. the only onsight broker wanted $2000.00 for a one shot deal. I tried to ship the machine in bond to my home town but that was out. It was three oclock in the morning, they wouldn't let me leave, I had just driven fourteen hours, my old importers number had expired, I walked up to a computer terminal typed in all my information typed in my gst number and the printer shot out a customs form.
I brought this to the cashier and her computer would not exept my gst number as an importers number. She said well I guess i will use the blank number of the day. I asked why she didn't
do this two hours ago and she said "we try to discourage people from clearing things themselves". Well anyway, there is a book at customs with all the products listed with all the numbers you need, but with customs it's like pulling teeth.

03-18-2003, 04:22 AM
Thats just the kind of nightmare i am trying to avoid! I set myself up with a gst number and import number..but after talking to the flip-flopping vague customs people on the phone i think i will get the help of a local customs broker...i was givin a quote of 100 dollars to take care of it for me, and am still waiting for a quote from them on shipping costs. thanks for the tips...the process is starting to make sense.

03-18-2003, 10:30 AM
My import was very smooth, the broker charged me 100.00 and he also dealt with the GST (I paid him). Shipping to Toronto was around $600 CDN

03-18-2003, 12:15 PM
I live in Abbotsford BC and recently imported a shopbot. There was very little hassle at the Sumas border. I did the transactiuon without a broker. The customs officers were very helpful - even helped me fill out the documents! The whole event took about 20 minutes. Call me if you want more info.
Pierre Wessels
Daytime # 604-796-5502

03-19-2003, 08:57 AM
I am in Ottawa, and brought in a PRT 96 in early January, with little hassle. I brokered it myself to save the money and other than being patient and kissing the duty officer's butt it was hassle free. I only paid the GST as all items pertaining to the shop bot are manufactured or assembled in the US which makes it Duty Free.

On another Note. I am considering organizing a Team Canada Camp ShopBot Any One In?

03-19-2003, 05:48 PM
Do you have to be Canadian to be on Team Canada? How about folks down south that may be considering Canada as a long term "vacation" spot? D.C. is getting pretty creepy - living on this end of the axis of anxiety makes Ottawa very attractive, Dale!

03-19-2003, 06:32 PM
We will be more than happy to accept ambassadors and may even offer honourary citizenships. I will delv into this a little more and see if we can drum up enthusiasm. Ottawa, being the nation's capital sure does have a lot to offer for a vacation, and a general good time. Also it is home to the Number one hockey team and history making Ottawa Senators...Yeah [

03-19-2003, 07:38 PM
Hey Canook,The Colorado Avalanche isn't to bad a team either A! David in Wyoming ( formerly in Colorado) [