View Full Version : Jamboree 2004

02-02-2004, 02:26 AM
Make your plans to attend the annual ShopBot Jamboree April 23-24 in Durham, NC. For more info and to register online, go to www.shopbottools.com/jamboree.htm (http://www.shopbottools.com/jamboree.htm). We'll see you there!

02-02-2004, 02:36 PM
Jamboree thoughts...

We've been working on ways to make the upcoming third Jamboree even
more pertinent to the ShopBot community. As in the past we'll provide some
discussions and lectures on using the tool, but we think it's also time to start
getting down to the actual application of the tool in a "real world" business
setting. For example, this year we've scheduled a presentation on the business
and legal aspects of running a "Bot business". Copyright laws, business
organization, purchasing equipment, those sorts of things. In short, the nuts
and bolts of what you do after you have set up your machine and want to start
becoming productive.

Based on the success at the regional Camp level of the "show and tell" sessions
we are also changing the focus for this year's show and tell session. Instead of
bringing a whole lot of things to "SHOW", we'd like to emphasize the "TELL" part
and bring no more than THREE of your favorite pieces. We aren't asking you to
prepare handouts or make a formal presentation, but just to give everyone a
brief description of why you chose certain materials, how you generated the
cutting files, and what you had to do to go from raw stock on to the finished
product. It's a great way to pick up tricks, sources of materials, and the seeds
of ideas for what to do in your own shop. At the New Jersey Camp it was one of
the best received sessions and could probably have gone on for half a day if
time would have permitted. This is where "the rubber meets the road" so to speak
in our community, and it's one of the major reasons we started running the Camps
and Jamborees.

It's also time to go through our annual solicitation of what YOU want to see at
the Jamboree. What is it that you'd like to learn? How can we make this a more
valuable experience for everyone? Don't take for granted that your interests are
so unique that NO ONE else would be interested. In fact this is another area we
plan to expand for the '04 Jamboree. We'll have a lot more time set aside for
the "special interest groups" so you can meet with other people using the 'Bot
for reasons similar to yours. The goal here is to focus more on the materials
and skills which are likely to be used in your application of the tool. If you
do multiple things with your bot, stop by a few groups and listen to what
they're talking about. And if you're thinking about branching out into a new
type of work this will be a great time to network with the people who are
already doing work in that field. Botters are a unique group since historically
we have always been open to sharing our knowledge… this is our way of providing
a venue to give everyone a chance to exchange that information.

We welcome any/all feedback, and would REALLY like to make the planning part of
things accessible to everyone. Of course we might not always be able to find
authorities in all fields to come in and cover your area of interest, but we CAN
work as a group to see where that information lies, and make it available.
Please let us know how we can best meet the needs of the ShopBot community.

Hoping to hear from you soon, Bill P., Bill Y., and Martha..

02-11-2004, 03:33 PM
Jamboree Update;
We are closing in on our schedule for the Jamboree and we wanted to post an update as to some of our plans for this year's event.
We'll be trying out a few different ideas to expand our coverage. One area is the addition of more vendors who have products which are pertinent to use with a Shopbot. Software reps, companies which sell clamping systems, coating products, etc. These people will all have tables set up back at Shopbot for the afternoon sessions. This will give people the opportunity to speak with them one on one . It's also another way to provide options for some Campers who might be more interested in one of these areas than the main presentation which is being held.
If anyone has a specific product they would like to suggest please contact us quickly as the clock is starting to count down. While we can't offer these people a full demonstration session to ALL Campers it could still be a good situation for them, and those attending.
We're also hoping to work out a schedule for the computer room this year so we can have demos and tech support for some of the software which is already in use by 'Botters. By specifying times for certain software we hope to minimize some of the confusion and crowding which happened occasionally last year.
We had planned to have a mold making demonstration for one of the hands on demos at Shopbot, but we ran into a scheduling conflict with the company we were considering. If anyone has had experience with a mold making company ( supplies, or actually making the mold itself) and can suggest a contact person we'd appreciate the info. Better yet, if any 'Botters do mold making and feel comfortable with giving a presentation please contact us.
The feedback we are getting this year indicates that people are not only interested in learning how to use the machine, but also ways in which to incorporate it into a business.We're working on something to address those issues, and other business related questions.
Sallye is preparing to offer a Saturday morning session for Women as well. We'll post the details here once they are complete.
We're starting to get reservations ( you can do it right from Shopbot's web page..), and we hope to be able to give everyone the proposed schedule within the next week. Keep your questions and suggestions coming in, we will do what we can provide as much information as possible....Thanks, Bill P.

02-15-2004, 09:18 PM
Are perspective owners welcome at the Jamboree? The wife and I are in the novice class at computers and woodworking,plans are to retire Feb/Mar of 2005 and want to start a small woodworking shop.We were at Atlanta wood show and talked alittle to Jim Wilson,so would the Jamboree be benificial or should we wait awhile and get better educated in woodworking/computers?

02-15-2004, 10:32 PM
I think it would be a great chance for you to see what people are doing with their machines, and also to get a first hand report from people who have already done what you'd like to. There will be some technical discussions as well as Show and Tell sessions and you can get some good ideas of how to approach your future goals... We welcome anyone who is interested in the CNC process and would like to know more about how they can incorporate it into their business or personal plans....

02-16-2004, 10:22 AM
At the Jamboree, please show examples of converting and cutting bitmap images. This is proving to be difficult for me although I get the impression others are succeeding with it.

02-16-2004, 12:02 PM
Could you be more specific as to exactly what it is you are trying to cut? Are you trying to vectorize bitmaps, or carve their profiles? Are you looking to extrude them into 3 dimensional files? etc. etc... As I've mentioned to others don't wait for the Jamboree, post your questions here on the Forum as there is a wider audience, and this way you can get cutting now instead of late April...

02-16-2004, 06:14 PM
Bill Palumbo,
Thanks for your interest sir. I want to do relief carvings to spiff up my products, which are now 2 1/2-D. I know (artcam pro) is the way to go but the price is too high for now. By the way you inquired for someone who knows about moulding. I have experience with urethane moulds both spray and pour and will be happy to share with botters everywhere.
J Scott (912) 925-3623

02-16-2004, 08:13 PM
I'll be calling you regarding the mold thing in the next few days... In the interim I have sent you an e-mail with a list of places to get free 3D files. You might want to consider looking at Millwizard which has been mentioned on this Forum a number of times.It will allow you to use pre-existing 3D files and create the kind of reliefs you are looking for.. The price is $250
and if you do a few jobs it more than pays for itself...There is a good free demo of Millwizard on their web page - www.millwizard.com (http://www.millwizard.com)

02-16-2004, 09:26 PM
Jscott: As usual, Bill P. is right on with the suggestion of using Millwizard. I have been tinkering with it for about 2 years now. I'm certainly not professional with it, but I have made some neat stuff with it. How about a 36" tall 3D sea horse, or an 18" tall WW II style "Pineapple" hand grenade?
Sure do welcome the thought on mould making/usage. If you are any where near Oklahoma, come see us in March. Bill P. will be here with us, as well as David Allen. Both have a lot of knowledge to share,and love to do so.
Let me know what you think...

02-17-2004, 08:16 PM
Doug Strickland,
It sounds like you have got the 3-D thing right where I want to be. I have mill wizard but no way to make an importable file. Relief carving is what I'm after. Sorry I can't come to Oklahoma but I will be at the the Jamboree in Durham. It's a real good event if you haven't been it's worth the trip. I am happy to share my Urethane mould making experience with other shopbotters. It's a good way to make many pieces from an ornate origional which would take a long time to cut on a shopbot. You can E-mail at Mantlemen@Savannahga.net (mailto:Mantlemen@Savannahga.net) or phone anytime (912) 925-3623.

02-28-2004, 09:57 AM
2004 Jamboree Schedule !!

We’re close enough with the schedule that we’d like to show you a peek to see why it’s taken us SO long this year to get the word out.
First of all the Jamboree is now going to run for THREE days if people want to use the opportunity for some special software training.There was just not enough time to fit everything we’ve thought of adding , except by running some sessions at the same time.
On Thursday April 22, 2004 we start off the festivities with two sessions of software training running simultaneously.
(In the Jamboree tradition, all times are approximate……..)
(At Shopbot)
Sallye Coyle will again host her Level one training class. This is the right place to start for new owners, and prospective owners. You’ll get to learn the CNC process, try software to run the Shopbot, and you will first draw and then cut a part.
While that is going on we’ll have a “Shopbot/Delcam Users group” running. The morning session will concentrate on Insignia and new additions to the software, while the afternoon will concentrate on Artcam Pro.
Then Thursday evening we have the registration, welcoming reception at the Hilton, from 6:30-8

Friday Morning ( At the Hilton)
Ted Hall- Welcome/Windows software.
Running a Shopbot business ( Ed Weems, Venture Management).
Special Interest groups ( Signmakers, cabinet makers, plasma, etc. can connect).
Lunch ( Hilton)

Friday Afternoon (At Shopbot)
Shop Welcome/New developments ( Main shop floor)
“Show and Tell” (Main shop floor)
In the computer room there will be three time slots for training in the Windows
Software. 1:30-2:30,2;30-3:30, and 3:30-4:30

Saturday Morning ( At Shopbot)
Sallye Coyle- Women’s session
Saturday Morning (Hilton)
Gordon Bergfors – Part Wizard
Onsrud routers -Scott Fiemster
Millwizard overview

Lunch at Shopbot
Saturday Afternoon-
Demonstration-Water based metallic coatings ( Main Shop area)
(You can turn almost ANY surface into something which looks like
real bronze, or silver, etc.). Ron Young from Sculpt Nouveau
Demonstration- Mold Making (Taking a part you would cut on your
Machine, and then making a LOT of them…)
Shopbotter Jerry Scott and Smooth On products
Saturday Afternoon –
Conference room - Delcam software demo on both Insignia3 and Artcam Pro.

In the computer room there will be three time slots for training in Part Wizard. Again the slots are; 1:30-2;30, 2;30-3:30, and 3:30-4;30. PLEASE CALL TO RESERVE A PLACE IN ANY OF THE LISTED CLASSES.
In Addition to the classes, and demos listed above there will be another new addition to the Jamboree. We are inviting some vendors to display some of their products ,all of which are pertinent to using a Shopbot. This way you can have time in the afternoons to sit at their table and get one on one info about everything from sign making materials, to vacuum clamps, or router bits. They will have their tables set up on both afternoons in the Main shop area. There will be no sales at the Jamboree, but it’s a good chance to get info and make contacts.
And as usual we’ll ALWAYS have last minute additions/adjustments to the process. Keep an eye on the Forum for updates!
What we need from YOU now is an indication if you plan to attend. YOU CAN REGISTER IN ADVANCE ON SHOPBOT’S WEB PAGE !!!The cost for the Jamboree is only $25,(and you get most of that back in goodies and meals..) But WE NEED TO KNOW who’ll be attending. You can also find hotel info, directions, etc. On the web page as well.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding any of the above…

02-28-2004, 05:14 PM
I need help w/ my bot i want to mod it to make jig saw puzzles on carton stock similar to a vynil plotter and i also want to make wood 3d puzzles i sort of inherited the bot i am software illiterite and have been in a wheelchair for the last 40 years and the bot is the biggest seed i`ve ever been given to plant. hope to make internet busi that i can run out of my house any input will be appriciated Docsat.

03-01-2004, 01:27 PM
Bill Palumbo,
I'm interested in finding out more about the "ShopBot/ArtCAm Users Group, being held on Thursday. Is this a place where someone would go to learn what the products will and can do?
Could it also be for those that have older versions, to see what new ablities are available?

03-01-2004, 03:01 PM
Good question...
This is intended for "people who have a working knowledge of Artcam, and want to improve some of their skills". It is NOT for someone looking to get an idea of what the program is about ( That session will on Sat. at 2PM).
There will be a series of exercises taught,and you will have to know how to use the basic program tools in order to understand the processes. Time permitting there will also be a short preview of the upcoming version 7. Some of the skills involved will involve 2.5 D tools, and some will involve 3D tools. The Insignia tools that are part of Artcam Pro will be covered in a portion of the exercises.
For those of you who are curious about what Insignia or Artcam Pro can do, that will be covered at the Saturday session.

03-02-2004, 04:28 AM
Is the sprayable metal "Luminore"? I won't be at Jamboree, but as a new user will be training this weekend at Shopbot. I have a high interest in 3-d relief work and coating.

03-02-2004, 08:36 AM
NO, while the Luminore system is probably the best known of these coatings it is still a highly toxic product which requires a separate air supply when applying, etc. Being a combination of solvents and metal dust the air quality in such a working zone leaves a lot to be desired.
The Sculpt Nouveau system is water based (www.sculptnouveau.com (http://www.sculptnouveau.com)), and very user friendly. Their line of patinas, solvent dyes, etc. allow you to take almost any substrate and make it look and feel,like real metal. These coatings can be brushed, rolled, or sprayed..I've been using it for a few months now and I am very happy with the results.

03-02-2004, 10:16 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention something else in the above blurb; It can cost almost $4,000 to get "in" to the Luminore system ( last I looked..). Then you buy refills for $500 apiece. A gallon of the Sculpt Nouveau "B" coating costs $60, and their "C" formula ( hard enough to allow machine buffing) costs a little over $100................I've been playing with the metal coatings and waxes, and I know that Brady has been trying their patinas, and solvent dyes...

03-02-2004, 04:59 PM
Women's Class !!!
Sallye has sent us the outline for her class . If you plan to attend please be sure to reserve a seat early as we only have room for 14 students , Thanks

Taking the mystery out of the box: CNC Woodworking Project for Women

What: While the men are away (at the Hilton), the women will play with the CNC equipment (at ShopBot)
Who: Women who are interested in learning to run a ShopBot in the company of other women
When: Saturday, April 24, 2004, 9 am to lunchtime
Where: ShopBot Tools
How: Sallye will guide you through the steps
We'll each make a keepsake box to take home. Everyone will have a chance to customize their lid…after all, this is ShopBot, and you should have the chance to play with the toys and software.

Meet at ShopBot Saturday morning at 9 am, and we'll step through

How to use Part Wizard to
>Lay out the design on the computer
>Set up the toolpaths to end up with the right size box
>Generate the ShopBot part file (sbp)
>Use the ShopBot software to preview the cutting file

Then, we'll move to the Shop and
>Set up the ShopBot for cutting
>Cut out the parts
>Glue them up (clamps will surely be involved)
>Get ideas for finishing the boxes

Along the way, we'll talk about
>Holding down the material and parts
>What bits to use
>How to customize the lid with software other than Part Wizard
>Other types of joints
>A little bit about types of wood

If all goes well, we'll have projects to add to the show and tell. If all doesn't go well…we'll have a few laughs, learn a lot, and live to tell our stories to whomever we want. And, we promise, no yelling, except for joy.

Class size limited to 14
Childcare provided if there is interest/need…email Sallye@shopbottools.com (mailto:Sallye@shopbottools.com) asap so she can set it up. She needs number and ages of children, any relevant details
Wood and bits provided
Want to car pool from the Hilton to ShopBot? Meeting place and details will be arranged as the dates get closer…or even the night before
Everyone else will be coming to ShopBot around lunchtime, so be prepared to spend the day there

03-03-2004, 11:33 AM
Software classes scheduling..
In order to avoid clogging the phone lines down at Shopbot, we've decided to do the signups for the afternoon software sessions (1:30-4:30) at our Jamboree registration table on Thursday evening. We'd still ask that you contact us if you'd like to save a place for the Women's Class or the Delcam user's group.. Thanks..

03-11-2004, 09:43 PM
In answer to a question about this year's "Show and Tell" session at the Jamboree I thought I'd remind everyone of what we're looking for. In addition to having tables set up for people to SHOW their work ( 3 pieces maximum so we all fit in remember....)Thursday afternoon,we have set aside some time where you can TELL all of us how you did what you did...It will also be a good chance for people to ask questions regarding different kinds of projects. It does NOT have to be any "formal" presentation, just your story on how you went from the idea to the final piece. If you have any handouts you think would be helpful, get them to us in advance so we might copy them for everyone.
A large part of the Camps and Jamborees has always been seeing what other people DO with their machines. This is NOT a contest, there are NO prizes, and every piece shown has the potential to teach someone a new skill... Please take a few minutes and think of something you'd like to bring with you when you show up in Raleigh..
This year's lineup is the best we have assembled to date. The demos and software training are unique opportunities which we are able to host due to the active participation of Shobot owners. If you go back and check out the full schedule you'll see that we are not just covering the basics of machine operation any longer. Business procedures, router/bit operations, advanced software training, new coating technologies, and how to use your machine to make molds...Throw in a few meals, a T-shirt, and you have the best $25 package deal around....

03-26-2004, 12:47 PM
Less than a month to go!
And we are already ahead of last year's pace on the registrations... It looks as though we will have a sizeable group again this year, so if you are thinking about attending any of the sessions which require advance registration,(Women's class, Delcam training, Level 1 training..). PLEASE make sure you contact Shopbot once your plans are definite. You can check the full schedule on Shopbot's web page.
Some reminders; the Delcam class on Thursday is NOT for "newbies". It will be assumed that you have a working familiarity with their programs, and are able to keep up with the pace of the class. If you would just like to see a demo of the programs ,that session will be done on Saturday afternoon.
"Show and Tell" is limited to THREE of your favorite pieces. Please be prepared to tell us a little ( 10 minutes max...) about HOW you designed, and cut, your projects. You CAN display your items without the presentation, but this is where a lot of people learn the REAL tricks of the trade.
As listed in some of the postings on this thread, there will be simultaneous sessions going on each day. Plan ahead to maximize your time in Durham...

03-26-2004, 08:50 PM
Bill Palumbo,
I am really looking forward to my mould making session at the Jamboree. I have been preparing. Smooth-On is providing literature packets as well as materials to display. LNJ Advance Technology (Jimmy Joyce) the Smooth -On distributor will be there to answer Tech questions. It should be an informative session.

See you there,

J Scott

04-01-2004, 01:52 AM
Bill Palumbo,
I'm thinking of coming to this year's Jamboree but I don't know my way around a computer very well. I've been trying my darndest to learn as much as I can every night on the computer we recently purchased. I know I won't be ready to run a shopbot by the time the Jamboree gets here, but I would really like to come and learn as much as I could. What classes and/or seminar's would you recommend for me?

Thank you for your help!

Carl Strnad

04-01-2004, 10:10 AM
The best place for you to start would certainly be the Level 1 class on Thursday. It is geared for people like yourself who would like to take things from the beginning. Sallye will cover the basics of dealing with the software, and the fundamentals of making it run the machine the way you'd like. It will really start you out in the right direction.
You might also want to sign up for a one hour training class in Part Wizard between 1-4PM on Saturday as well. Part Wizard is a very good intro Cad/Cam program which you will be getting with your machine, and this class will dovetail with the Level 1 training nicely.
Many of us started out in the same situation you find yourself in. I bought my first PC the same day I ordered my (first) Shopbot. The Shopbot community will be here to back you up, and this Forum is a virtual encylopedia of techniques, and theory. By using the "search" feature you can access years of postings on just about any situation you might encounter in the early stages.
ALL of the morning sessions will be geared toward the Shopbot community in general, and while you might feel a little "lost"initially I think in time you will see how the information can be applied to just about anyone working with the machine.
I would urge you to call and reserve a seat in the Level 1 class if you have not done so already. There is limited space available for this one. The afternoon sessions will be handled by having "sign up" sheets at Shopbot when we arrive there for the PM sessions. Due to the size of the training room these classes are also limited in size.
And don't be shy to utilize the best resource we'll have available at the Jamboree; other Shopbotters! Ask questions, listen to HOW people did their work during the "Show and Tell"session, pick a "special interest group" that sounds close to what you have in mind for your machine. The idea of having such a wealth of experience in one place for a short time is the driving force behind this weekend. Looking forward to meeting you down there...Bill

04-02-2004, 08:19 AM
Hey Guys,
I told my wife that I planned to make the Jamboree in April, as she looked at me with her left eye twitching, she says "you're not leaving me here alone with those two monsters for a weekend" (we have a 3 yr old and a 5 yr old).

So this leads me to my question. Is there anything in the area that a mother and two "exhuberant" kids can do during the day while I mingle and learn, and share?

martha (Unregistered Guest)
04-02-2004, 01:27 PM
One of the ShopBot families will be posting activities on the forum this weekend. They have two small boys that come with them to the Jamboree and Tracy has a ton of activities that small children will enjoy.

04-04-2004, 10:59 AM
Hey Guys and Rob,

There are many things in and around the Jamboree for those traveling with you. My wife Tracy and boys (5 and 7 years) have had a great time the last two years.

The biggest hit is the Life and Science Museum. Cost about $7 but occupies for the whole day, possibly 2 days. It has both indoor and outdoor activities and is very close to Shopbot (about 5 miles).

If the weather is good there is the Susan B. Anthony Garders. A botanical Garden where the kids can run. I think last year it was free.

If the weather is bad there is the Childrens Museum. Cost was about $3.50. All of the activities are for the kids with hands on stations like a grocery store, fire station, Dr. Office...

One thing we have not done is the Duke University Primate Center, it sounds like an interesting activity. It is by appointment only and may be seasonal.

Not sure if there is a Baseball game on or not.

Email me if you have any questions or other ideas for fellow travelers to do while we work hard at the Jamboree!

04-14-2004, 11:28 AM
Just about last call !!!!
We are rapidly approaching the saturation point in terms of registrations for the Jamboree. As of yesterday there were 150 people signed on, and there isn't much more room to squeeze people in at the Hilton meetings , or in Shopbot's facilties...etc. While an earlier posting on the Forum suggested this Friday as the last day for registrations, I think anyone waiting that long may have to get a raincheck on the standard goodies we normally provide (T-shirts, etc.).
This is a mixed blessing; while we appreciate the great response, so many people have waited until the last minute that we are trying to keep up with the numbers, and it's way too late in the game to change venues, etc.
SO, if you are still sitting on the fence , and haven't committed yet, you might wind up having to wait until next year's event..

04-18-2004, 03:05 PM
As usual I'd like to remind people to bring cameras down to the Jamboree. Not only to get shots of the Show and Tell items, and other Shopbotters, but also to document the NEW Shopbot which we'll all be seeing in person for the first time. (actually some of you might want to bring video cameras for this one..!) And we'll ask you to send in your best shots to info@shopbottools.com (mailto:info@shopbottools.com) so we can post them right after the Jamboree to share them with those that couldn't get there this year..
Another handy thing to have is a supply of your business cards. If not you'll be scribbling your number/e-mail address on napkins, donut wrappers, etc.
With SO many people planning to be there it will be constant motion, so anything you can do to simplify your time there is a good idea.

04-25-2004, 02:09 AM
Thanks to all at ShopBot, all of the sponsors, all of the presenters, and all of the attendees for a great Jamboree.

I just finished my drive back to FL and wanted to express my appreciation for all of the work that went into this event. I learned a lot, met a number of great people, and had a good time. :-)