09-23-2007, 06:43 PM
I need help with a weird screwup. on a prt alpha using the second newest version of the control software. I forgot to download the pic but here is the drawing of what I was cutting out of ¾” ply using a ¼” compression bit cutting a single pass 6 ips.
This bit has only cut two other sheets of ply so I don’t think it was dull.
Anyway as I was cutting the first piece out (after the slots were all cut) the bit wandered off as the black line shows. Well I was glad I was watching it and stopped it before it cut the sheet in half. Well I was like HUH?? I was thinking all it could be was the bit was dull or something. I rezeroed it and saved the toolpaths again with just the outside cuts and I slowed it down to 300 ipm. It finished the first side ok and at the bottom of the second it wandered again. I had thought that it was because the vacuum failed but I put a regular ¼” endmill in rezeroed after I turned the machine off as it derailed a bit when the ply came loose) cut the parts out and it was ok. Well till I went to assembled it. I figured to just put some ply over the cuts to support them. These are just utility shelves for my shop.
Well all the slots were .05 too small and the sides were .5 too narrow.
I checked the toolpaths (vcarve) and checked the drawing and all was on.
I have had a few problems where the part was cut a bit off then it was cut before. So I am wondering what is going on?
I did some engraving on this bronze piece the day before. I made a round pocket in some ply to hold it then I zeroed on the pocket and cut the toolpath to see how centered it was. Go to lunch put the bronze in run the toolpath again ( saved it again to make sure I did not miss anything) and it was off centered.
So is it some communication issue between the bot and computer? I have a loss of communication once in awhile but I just have to click on the retry button and it is back. I used to have that a lot till I ran a ground wire between the bot and the computer.
This bit has only cut two other sheets of ply so I don’t think it was dull.
Anyway as I was cutting the first piece out (after the slots were all cut) the bit wandered off as the black line shows. Well I was glad I was watching it and stopped it before it cut the sheet in half. Well I was like HUH?? I was thinking all it could be was the bit was dull or something. I rezeroed it and saved the toolpaths again with just the outside cuts and I slowed it down to 300 ipm. It finished the first side ok and at the bottom of the second it wandered again. I had thought that it was because the vacuum failed but I put a regular ¼” endmill in rezeroed after I turned the machine off as it derailed a bit when the ply came loose) cut the parts out and it was ok. Well till I went to assembled it. I figured to just put some ply over the cuts to support them. These are just utility shelves for my shop.
Well all the slots were .05 too small and the sides were .5 too narrow.
I checked the toolpaths (vcarve) and checked the drawing and all was on.
I have had a few problems where the part was cut a bit off then it was cut before. So I am wondering what is going on?
I did some engraving on this bronze piece the day before. I made a round pocket in some ply to hold it then I zeroed on the pocket and cut the toolpath to see how centered it was. Go to lunch put the bronze in run the toolpath again ( saved it again to make sure I did not miss anything) and it was off centered.
So is it some communication issue between the bot and computer? I have a loss of communication once in awhile but I just have to click on the retry button and it is back. I used to have that a lot till I ran a ground wire between the bot and the computer.