View Full Version : Anone have spindle noise effect their montors and wireless mice?

05-07-2007, 01:24 PM
thsi happend about 1 week after I was up and running. the comput that runs the cnc's lcd monitor is not effected but the wireless mouse is pretty glitch right next to the reciver. but my second computer that is about 3' farther away the lcd has this wierd thing going on and the wirelss mice and keyboard are almost useless. though the laptops monitor is fine. I wonder fi this started after I put a groudn wire beteen the computer and control box?

Brady Watson
05-07-2007, 02:47 PM
If you have 3 phase, try swapping 1 of the legs with another. Many times this will fix it.


05-08-2007, 12:41 AM
I thought only two legs can be swapped and if you do so you reverse the rotation?

05-08-2007, 05:48 AM

Swapping AC wires will not reverse rotation. That only works with DC motors. Ac motors that are reversable have circuitry built in and you actualy need to use a differant wire in the motor to reverse direction.
When you added the ground wire did you terminate both ends. In many cases terminating only one end will not work though in some applictions it does. Grounding both ends is usualy the best solution.

05-08-2007, 11:18 AM
on the shopbot instructions it says if the spindle runs in reverse to swap the two wires. a far as I have heard most 3 phase motors are this way you don't know what way they will turn till you hook them up.
I putthe ground wire from the gounding block on the control box to a screw on the computer case.