View Full Version : Z-Zero Plate Modification post?

10-04-2007, 04:41 AM
Hi Everyone.

Been searching for a post where someone modified their z zero plate to protect their V-Bits. If I remember right, they raised it using something??

10-04-2007, 05:03 AM
kevin...you're up early! I recall what you are talking about. It almost was like it had one plate on top of the other with a space inbetween.

10-04-2007, 06:03 AM
Jack -

20 Years in the Navy will do that to a person. (getting up early, 3 - 3:30 everyday, even weekends)

Yeah, you know what I'm looking for, just can't seem to find the posts. Let me know if you find anything.


10-04-2007, 06:48 AM
Wrong forum try this

10-04-2007, 10:57 AM
I have never had a bit tip break 60 and up. is it an issue?

Brady Watson
10-04-2007, 02:05 PM
It could be an issue if you:

1) Run DOS with the old ZZero routine that doesn't slow down the plunge speed

2) The wiring on your machine is a mess & you frequently have problems with your Zzero plate

3) You are using a coated bit that you haven't tested for continuity/conduction before you run the C2 command (ALWAYS test coated bits by touching the plate to the bit before running C2 to be sure)

The plate listed in the link is not needed on a machine running SB3. I believe that it is for non-SB type CNCs that don't have 'softening' provisions built into their ZZero routine...Incidentally SB was the 1st (or one of the first ones to even have a Zzero plate)


10-04-2007, 04:49 PM
So many times, I learn of a problem on the Forum and later discover that, when I look closely or try often enough, I have it too. I'm glad to know that this time I don't need to worry.