View Full Version : How can this be cut?
Im trying to make this cut on MDF doors. I can easily sqare out inside/outside with a V bit by raising out of corners, but how would you imagine this is done? Only thing I can think of would be a plumb bob shaped router bit then come out of the corner and same rise/span from base of cut as I do with V bit?
03-17-2007, 09:26 PM
Danny might try this
Go to Cabinet Making/MDF Doors
I bought the whole set of them
03-17-2007, 10:01 PM
Ron, I think he's talking about getting the inside corners so they aren't rounded. With a v bit routing, the geometry is a pain, but managable by either direct geometry/trigonometry or using your cad software. This is a little less fun. With CAM software with preview, one could use "successive approximation" (guessing and adjusting) to get there. I noticed that mcls woodworking had pointed plunge roundover bits (no bearings!) that might make some it a little easier because they have a point.
03-18-2007, 01:35 AM
Yep I agree, only way to make the corners square is use a corner chipper chisel.
Might be able to use a ¾ plunge round over bit, and then come back with a v bit.
But if your doing MDf and no floating panel, the mdf bits work fine.
Thats why I posted that link, for the plunge bits, work great.
I tried 5 different things, and still got round corners, need to use the corner chipper chisel.
I get great square corners with a V bit.. Just wondered if any of you were using a pointed roundover bit or had a good source of info on how its being done.
Before I bought my cnc I was buying those doors every week they look great.
Corner chipper chisel on mdf?
Hellllloooo! Did someone find a source for square bits?
03-18-2007, 08:16 AM
Its not impossible to do, but it may be impossible to do perfectly to arbitrary depth. With corners of reasonable depth, it may be perfect enough that noone would ever know it wasn't done with a second v-bit. I'm looking at point cutting roundovers from mlsc. They have a v-like point that turns into a roundover. As long as that curve on the "v" portion of the bit is close enough to a true v, you'll be able to get a great corner to some depth. Playing with this has been one of my back burner projects for a while, but i've not had time or need. Looking at their bit drawings, one should easily be able to get a nearly perfect corner to .1" deep with the 1/2" radius bit.
Item #6431,6430,6432,6433,6434 are the items to look at, 1/8,3/16,1/4,3/8,1/2" radii. 13-22 bux depending on size.
You gotta post pix and your method though if you get this to work so I don't have to work so hard when I try it.
03-18-2007, 10:15 AM
That looks like a standard beaded rail and stile profile with a raised panel. All which can be made on your table top router with the proper bits. This will give you the frame and panel door that when assembled will give you the perfectly square inside corners. I think the effort to make this on a cnc would be to time consuming and would give you inconsistant results.
This is an MDF door. Ive been buying them from ( for 6 years.
(Carmel and delmar profile)
03-18-2007, 01:21 PM
interesting, I've havent seen those before.
Although I am new to cnc I have not considered making doors on my new shop bot yet to arrive.
I make mostley frame and panel doors, i am a small one and half man shop and make my own doors. I have dedicated setups for frame and panel doors that allows me to make them with relative ease. I have made over 1000 doors myself. I would be interested in seeing how you get this done, with what bits and how many steps.
Where is a good place to order whiteside cutters that are reasonable or do they have a set price on the cutters?
Also will 1/4''Plexiglass work as a replacement for the wire chase on the Y carrage?
03-20-2007, 01:52 AM (
Whiteside bits I buy from Alan all the time and he ships same day.
03-20-2007, 09:00 AM
I believe that you would have to be able to cut a 3-dimensional arc with the arc going in the Z-axis direction. Unless I've missed something, the CA, CC, and other arc/circle commands are 2-dimensional (if we disregard the spiral option).
I've had a lot of requests to add that feature to the doors portion of the FreeDoors program that Bruce Clark and I worked on, but I think that I would require simulating an arc using the M3 command with 'lots' of straight line segments. It is do-able, but at least for me, it's just not practical.
03-20-2007, 11:53 AM
I recently replaced my wire support with a piece of 1/4" polycarbonate (lexan). It is working very well. Polycarb is less brittle than acrylic (plexiglass or other sheet acrylic).
03-20-2007, 12:46 PM
Mike, I was thinking 1 segment approximation tangent to the topmost corner angle. The bottom would not be perfect, but the top corner where everyone notices would be dead on.
I see.. By the way Mike great prog. I have been using your doors prog alot lately. Thanks!
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