View Full Version : How do I shut off router?

10-19-2007, 09:00 PM
Simple question (hopefully) for the experienced Shopbotter geniuses: How do I configure my Portercable router to shut off automatically after a file is run? Do I need to buy some new hardware to make the router off/on switch interact with the control panel? Please help! Each evening I have been driving 15 miles to shut off the router to save wear and tear on the router brushes and bearings!

Gary Campbell
10-19-2007, 10:41 PM
There have been a few posts showing some botters ingenious devices that use a Z lift to allow an arm to engage the router switch and shut off the router at files end. This would involve some minor file editing to accomplish. My big question is: is your Machine running while you are 15 miles away? If so, this is definately a recipe for disaster.

10-19-2007, 10:54 PM
True, true. But as much as I love my Shopbot, I find I need to visit my household family members for an occasional meal. Besides, must all our recipes be bland?

10-20-2007, 12:06 AM
Robert, what type of machine/control box do you have? PRT, PRT Alpha, etc. Assuming you may have a PRT, there was a diagram and parts list for making a relay that is hooked up to the outputs of a PRT control box. I made and used one of these for several years with no problems. I no longer have that machine or manual, but I'm sure that someone does and could send you a copy of the page in the manual that describes how to make one and the Radio Shack parts list.

You then need to place a SO,1,1 at the beginning of your files to turn the router on and a SO,1,0 at the end to turn it off.

10-20-2007, 12:58 PM
Thank you so much. My machine is a PRT, about 7-8 years old. I can't seem to find these instructions in my manual. Maybe I'll call SB Monday and get the info from them if necessary. They truly have absolutely incredible customer service.