View Full Version : Small Cabinet shop in So Ca ???????

10-27-2006, 04:23 AM
Can anyone fill me in on well the least expensive way to go? I have been using a kind of "borrowed" version of KCDW and I need the most cost effective way to cut with the "Builder" version which I will purchase. I got an estimate from Chad at shopbot for 28k +/_ without the KCDW. Im not trying to be cheap, I just want the most economical package. Do I really need a spindle for a small cabinet shop? Maybe 3 entertainment centers a month? Do I need a 7k vacuum setup? Can I make one?

Please give me your input. Im recovering from a bad bad bad broken knee and want to make a one man shop on the cheap. We do alot of moldings actually 75% of my business is moldings. But in the last few years every time I train a good man, as soon as I teach them cabinetry they leave!!! this is the 4th time in 10 years.. Any other carpenters out there please feel free to jump in and gimme some info.. Thx
Danny Ray
www.drayconstruction.com (http://www.drayconstruction.com)

10-27-2006, 06:28 AM
When I bought mine three years ago I skipped the professional vacuum setup and had no problem operating with other hold down systems for quite a while. I produced mostly custom home units. Many have done quite well adopting Fein vacuums at a much lesser cost. I am happy to this day, however, that I did spend for the spindle.

10-27-2006, 07:44 AM

{Do I really need a spindle for a small cabinet shop?}

No, my opinion is if you want to save money a router will work just fine for your needs. The only real sacrifice will be speed but that should be of no concern on 3 entertainment centers a month.I have owned 2 Shopbots the first was a PRT with a router and I currently have an AlphaPRT with a spindle. I was getting quality cuts with the router and the only real improvement with the spindle was I can get quality cuts at a faster speed.

{Do I need a 7k vacuum setup? Can I make one?}

No, I have been without a vacuum system for the past 3 years and have had no problem screwing parts to the table. All you need to do is use tabbing and place the screws in the waste area. And yes you can make one just search this forum and you will see lots of information about it. In fact I am in the process of making mine hopefuly in the next couple of weeks.

10-27-2006, 10:42 AM
I agree with Frank and Dave. I have had my shopbot for 4 years now with no vacuum, just screws and clamps no problems. well i've hit a few screws and broken some bits but its still alot cheaper than a pump. I have a spindle but when i moved into the new shop th 3 phase was not hooked up right away, so i mounted a router. I missed not having the spindle but it did the job just fine. iI would suggest getting a second z with 2 routers

10-27-2006, 03:22 PM
I'm in San Diego, Spindle is nice to have!