10-26-2007, 12:16 PM
finally found a good deal on a larger surfacing bit. I wanted one of the 2.5" ones with replaceable cutters but at over 200.00 it will have to wait. this is an amana bit at 1.75" wide. it was only about 45.00 with shipping and it works pretty well. though you can plunge a little with it it won't plunge as much as I would like.
this is one of my acrylic jigs I make that all the parts pretty much at the same level. this makes it far easier to setup. this one uses vacuum to hold the parts down. the pockets fit tight enough that the parts can't really move.
this is one of my acrylic jigs I make that all the parts pretty much at the same level. this makes it far easier to setup. this one uses vacuum to hold the parts down. the pockets fit tight enough that the parts can't really move.