View Full Version : Probe File Copyright Question

11-29-2007, 11:27 PM
I modified the S_Prb3d2.sbp probing file to detect, and only probe the actual part you have on the table and minimize the number of "dead area" points that are collected, (the ones where it is just riding along the surface). This should cut probing time down a lot if you are doing something not square or rectangular by eliminating probing the table surface.
So my question, since there is a Copyright on the original file, is it okay to share what I did with everyone? Maybe other people could try it out and modify it further?
I have not run the file yet, but would like input from others on it.

Brady Watson
11-30-2007, 01:51 AM
The 'S' in 'S_Prb3d2.sbp' stands for 'Sample' - meaning that modifying the file to customize your tool is encouraged. You'll have to contact SB directly to see what is involved with their copyright...but the unspoken idea all these years has been that ShopBotters share their findings with the rest of the community - which is what makes it so great.

In terms of eliminating probing the table surface, there are a few tolerance settings within the file that should eliminate this. If you table is flat, then a good rule of thumb would be .025 or so. Otherwise, a simple & elegant method that works is to just block up your part to be scanned so that it is not sitting right on the table surface. A little bit of carpet tape secures the block to the table and the part to the block.


11-30-2007, 07:20 AM
I'll contact Shopbot to ask them. Actually the file I made won't even bother moving in those dead areas above the table. It comes down off the edge of the part, counts 5 moves at ZMAX without an input then goes to NEXTY and changes direction to stay working on the part. The first part of the file will get it from 0,0,0 to find the first edge of the part, then it will only follow the part after that until you get to the Ymax, then it will end the file.

Brady Watson
11-30-2007, 11:07 AM
What happens if you scan a donut-shaped part? A grill or grate with large holes in between? Things to ponder & test...


11-30-2007, 11:46 AM
put your part on something flat that is the shape of the outside parimeter of the part. Set Max Z below that surface. When it is probing in the center it registers that area as a point, but when it gets to the edge of the part where it drops off to the MAX Z depth, it will change directions.
I think I could actually write something so that when it gets 3 or so points without an input, it jogs to &xmax, unless it gets an input (1,0) while moving, then it stops and GOTO CONTACT. That would speed up the moves in the dead areas of a grate.

12-09-2007, 08:06 AM
Hi guys,

To help make the copyright status of the sample files clearer we've decided to license them with one of the Creative Commons licenses and are thinking about adding this section to each header to spell it out. Does this work for y'all?

FYI, just in case the formatting gets funky on the forum, the licensing text is also available in Google Docs at http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgwpz9j8_86drphqdd5


*********************************************** *

' The following licensing information MUST accompany this file.
' ********** Copyright and Licensing Information **********
' Copyright 1998 ShopBot Tools
' We encourage ShopBot users to modify this part file to suit their own needs and have licensed it
' under the Creative Commons Atribution 3.0 license. This license allows you to copy, distribute,
' or modify the file with certain restrictions. A simplified explanation of this license is available at
' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
' The full legal code can be found at
' http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/legalcode
' We strongly encourage you to read the legal code before modifying or distributing this file,
' ESPECIALLY sections 5 and 6 that cover representations, warranties, disclaimers, and liability.
' You must clearly state in the header of your file that this is a modification of a file supplied by Shopbot Tools,
' supply information on finding the original file, and rename the file to make it obvious to the user
' that this is a modified version.
' Any other use requires permission from ShopBot Tools.
' User takes responsibility for the effects and outcomes of the use of this program, and ShopBot Tools assumes
' no liability for its use.
'' ********** End Licensing Information **********