View Full Version : Shopbot Preview
01-24-2005, 07:51 PM
Well I ordered a new PRT Alpha 96, and I am trying to write a simple program for cutting 12 end panels and drilling for the adjustable shelf holes. When I run the program in the preview mode it starts out running just fine, but after about one minute it starts slowing down to almost a crawl. I am attaching the drill program and the part wizard file. If someone would have time to see if it slows down on you're computer, or if you can see what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it very much. I have run the program on three of my computers and it does it on all three.
shopbot file
Drilling ( (4.8 k)
Well, I tested your SBP file in preview mode WITHOUT the simulate checked and SB3 has hang for about a minute before displaying the ran file... while this the CPU was on the top (100% usage!!!); just after the file displayed, the CPU usage was still abnormaly high (20-60%) without any program really working... switched to move mode then back to preview; CPU usage got back to normal!?!?!? I believe SB3 (3.3.18???) is having difficulty to process and display "some file"; I observed something alike with Morris's file ( in the preview... as the program/file was processing the converted file values, SB3 preview got slower and slower to almost "stoped" at the end... and this was a 74 lines file!?!?!? ...and this was with the simulate unchecked!!! Your is 2406; not very large!!!
When I tested your file with the simulate checked, I got the same as you; normal at start the slower and slower...
I don't see anything wrong with your file Dirk.
This is quite strange because I just ran a 3D file and all went back to normal after SB3 as process it and displayed... it took about 5-8 sec. to process it... this was a 85853 lines!?!?!?
I would guess your file would ran just fine in move mode... you might want to report your observations to support...
01-24-2005, 09:37 PM
Thank you for testing the file for me. I will send it on to ShopBot support and see what they have to say. I thought it was a pretty straight forward program and not that out of the ordinary. I am trying to write some files before my machine arrives in 6 to 8 weeks, so it would be useful to simulate them to see if they work. I am very new to this so it will take me a long time to figure it out.
Thank you
Includ as much details as you think of with your file(s)... must be relevant though!
Keep us informed...
01-25-2005, 07:35 AM
Hey Dirk,
We're working on resolving the slowdown's shows up sometimes when previewing files that alternate between "J" moves and "M" moves a whole lot, which happens in files that drill lots of holes.
A workaround to speed up viewing the files in preview is to open the file in the editor (FE) and select Tools and then Find. Replace all the instances of "J3" with "M3" and then save your file with a new filename...maybe add "_prev" to the filename so you'll know which is which.
The new file will run in Preview without the slowdown, but just remember to run your original file when you get ready to actually cut the parts.
01-25-2005, 08:55 AM
When you get around to machining the file you could edit the J3 commands and change the Z up to .25 (There are something like 1200 Z up and Z down movements @ 1") this could save around 7 mins per panel machining time, remember to check for any collisions with clamps etc.
01-25-2005, 03:57 PM
Thanks for the help guy's, I really appreciate it. Paul when I do the editing in shopbot editer how do I know which one to change from 1" to .25?
I am really new at this but everyones help is great.
01-25-2005, 04:48 PM
Open Shopbot Editor
Select your file
Go to the first line of code with J3,4.250,2.375,1.000 this is the first position code for Z up between drilling
Open Tools--Find
in (Find What) enter 1.000
in (Replace With) .25
then click (Replace All)
You will get a box saying ( replaced 1203 items)
Save your file, it is sometimes better to give it another name just in case.
If you are doing this with Z plunges don't forget the minus sign if you have zero'd on the material surface.
If you use the Drill Press there is a box for Safe Z up, enter you required setting here.
If you are using Part Wizard, when you select Profile toolpath, 2D area clearance or Machine vectors there is a box for Safe Z.
I hope this helps
What if there's a X or Y JOG or MOVE that is 1.000?!?! This could change more than looking for...?
not that Paul suggestion to use the "search & replace" is'nt right (in fact VERY useful sometime) but... you may want to redo your drilling files AFTER you mastered the technic suggest by Paul as to set the appropriate (for you) safe Z in the software you decide to use... if PW2 did'nt do it as wish (peck drilling); you might want to take a look at the latest SB newsletter ( (right-clic/Save Target As...)... there is a hint on how to "transform" the code to make it peck...
01-25-2005, 05:56 PM
Yes you are right,my brain was in metric mode at 4 decimal places, XY Jog or Move's at 1 or .25 never happens
Never say never.....I must be very luck because I have not had a problem ...yet
For somebody starting out why not use the Drill Press which peck drills however many time you require
01-25-2005, 06:09 PM
When you are talking about the drill press do you mean the drilling icon in part wizard 2 in the tool path section, and doesn't that do the peck type drilling like the news letter talked about?
I just tested the "Drill Press" Virtual tool (T command) and you can set it to "Peck drill": "Number of passes when drilling holes" setting... and you can set the safe Z too!!... and even more features!!!...
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