View Full Version : Expecting Shopbot owner...

07-10-2006, 11:18 PM
..well very soon to be as we just ordered the PRT96 Alpha machine. Very exciting.

I'm setting up a shop in a new space and I'm wondering about some practical configurations of the shopbot with other tools. The space I'm dealing with is approx 17'x50'. It would be a bit small even without the bot.

As I'm currently deciding where all our major tools will go I'm wondering a couple specifics about the shopbot.

1. Can the top X-Axis go against a wall? or is access from 4 sides important?

2. What's the height of the steel table? Can my table saw outfeed also be my shopbot infeed?

Have a look at the shop design I sketched up. You note a couple big concrete columns I have to contend with as well.

Thanks for feedback in advance. I hope to contribute down the road as I'm able.

Rob Bell


07-11-2006, 12:04 AM
Hi Rob!

I just enlarged my shop recently too and I still think it's important to have access to all sides. I would recommend at least 24" on the top X so you can walk (and turn) your way around. The more the better...

The height of the table, or spoilboard surface, will depend on how you built it. If you choose the SB one, it should be easy to get the exact height from SB but they still don't know what you'll put as for support/spoilboard assembly.

Good luck and keep us posted!

07-11-2006, 01:00 AM
Your Shopbot infeed does not need to be the same height as the table saw out feed, as the material is stationery on the shopbot whilst cutting, hence it can slide in at an angle.
However the opposite way, outfeeding the table saw over the shopbot, then the shopbot table must be at the same height, or lower than, the table saw.
And my shop is smaller than yours!!!


07-11-2006, 01:31 AM
Congrats Rob!

I agree that you want to be able to move all around your machine. Also consider the configuration of the power supply and communication cables and the dust collection hose.

Do a forum search on table setups using different keywords and you'll get some great ideas.

Good luck.


07-11-2006, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I will move my giant rectangle of tape on the floor away from the wall.
