View Full Version : Dose anyone have a dished 3 D file of a catemaran sailboat

09-04-2007, 06:05 PM
Hi guys

I ended up donating some trophys for a sailing regatta on Koronis lake in MN last weekend . at first we only thought that there will be only one kind of boats show up and we didn't split this up for different styles of boats . Well as it turned out there was som catemarans showing up and they whiped every buddys butt , so we decidet to hand out trophis for 2 classes of boats that showed up . Well to keep the storry short I have the Freindship sloop file that I used for the other trophis , and I would like to put a 3D image of a catemaran on the other tropis. Dose any body have something that they can share without getting in trouble .


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