View Full Version : V carve Canundrum(?)

11-19-2006, 03:12 AM
I have a friend trying to make a sign file for me in Vcarve and here is our problem. Here is what i'm trying to get. I have a .75" thick piece of walnut approx. 8"x10". The outside perimeter frame and the Glover logo with the crane are the same Z height, thats good. I don't like the height and "pillowing" of the "construction co", and "pleasant hill" lines and want to remove that and have all the space around the Gleason logo "pocket cut" (his term) then I want to V carve "construction co" and pleasant hill" into the space below crane.
So in terms of depth in Z height top of material is at .75 pocketed area goes down .25 (to .50) then the V carving goes down .25 (from surface of pocketed area to .25 from bottom of material).

The problem he's having is he says when he runs a toolpath on the Vcarving it doesn't show up in the preview (V carving done with 90 degree .50 bit)
Is there anything wrong with the way i laid it out above, in order to cut?


Brian Moran
11-19-2006, 04:23 AM

Your friend needs to unselect the 'Construction co, ...' text when he creates the intitial flat bottomed toolpath - this will leave a flat pocket area where you want to VCarve the construction text.

Next he needs to create a new VCarve toolpath with the 'Construction ..." text selected. However, the START DEPTH, the first field on the VCarve Toolpath page, must be set to 0.50 so that the VCarving starts in the bottom of the pocket. You will need to be careful that the tool does not hit the sides of the border at the 'P' in Pleasant and the 'a' in Carolina. As long as you enter the correct diameter for the tools into VCarve the simulation will show if this happens.

If the two toolpaths use the same tool they can still be saved to a single toolpath, just ensure that the ordering is correct so that the pocket is cut before the v carving!
