View Full Version : Z Height ?

11-09-2007, 10:53 AM
I'm a little confused???? I've got a PRT Alpha. It says a 6" Z travel. The problem is I can't cut a piece 2" thick. I have a .75 base board, .75 plenum board and a .75 spoil board. If I take it to the edge and run it all the way down, it will go well past the frame. If I go up all the way, I can only cut about 1.75" all the way through. Can I move the Z higher? I hope this makes sense. Thanks, Terry

11-09-2007, 11:14 AM
you need to bolt the z frame using the bottom holes and not the middle ones.

11-09-2007, 11:19 AM
Thanks Steve, I'm seeing that now. I bought this machine used and I think (now I know) it was put together wrong. Not the first problem I've run into. Fix'im as I go!

11-09-2007, 11:23 AM
I did the same thing because thats what it shows I think on the manual. it's harder getting it installed though. you need nimble fingers for those nuts.

11-09-2007, 12:11 PM
I had to raise mine, you might want to add braces to the top once you raise it to add some stiffness. I did this... http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/26/22100.html?1183134807
