View Full Version : New ShopBot owner

10-04-2007, 07:05 AM
Hello all...
Just want to say how stoked I am to be getting my new ShopBot this week. Early in my CNC research I was on the fence between a WartHog 48x96" and the ShopBot 48x96" standard... I talked with the warthog Rep and got quite an attitude towards my lack of knowledge, and way too many questions I had for him...(but they just lacked the information on their site) the rep just made me feel like he had better things to do then be bothered with me. The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth. Then I called ShopBot... Dianne and Jamie were very accommodating to me. After they help me understand my concerns and directed me thru the great resources on the website and this forum. I knew this was going to be the company I wanted to buy from. So I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time with me, and making me feel my small investment into this machine is appreciated and supported by this huge family of fellow shopbotters.

Thanks everyone.

Sorry, if this post sounded like a cheap ad I just wanted to say what was on my mind.

10-04-2007, 07:40 AM

10-04-2007, 09:58 AM
Good decision, you're in for a great adventure so get the idea factory warmed up. There will be many sleepless nights as your mind spins with all the capability and options you are about to discover.
Try to keep one word in mind. FOCUS. Trust me, that will not be easy. The possibilities are endless.

10-04-2007, 07:03 PM
I wonder what the Warthog people would have to say if they read your post.

10-04-2007, 07:26 PM
Congrats on the bot, you'll enjoy all the options it brings to you and you're right, this forum and the family atmosphere is great. I looked at a dozen options but chose Shopbot for the people and this forum... of course the quality machine helps too.


10-05-2007, 07:52 AM
Phil, Since you don't have to register to view this forum, I would bet it safe to say the Warthog people have already seen the post, by the way what is a warthog anyway, lol I would rather say I have a shopbot instead of I have a warthog, lol

10-05-2007, 01:52 PM
Hello Big J, and welcome to

We few, we happy few, we band of 'botters;

10-05-2007, 10:53 PM
Welcome to bottville "where anything can happen"
I bet the person was just a salesman and that is all , i will not EVER do buisness with a company that treats people like that, remember that was before he made a commission , can you immagine his lack of intrest in you after the sale, I had that happen to be with a epilog laser , the last word i heard from the rep was the check has cleared. also at a iwf show the castle rep was rude so t went to the Kreg booth and ordered a pocket hole machine and a face frame table and like them very good ..This forum is definately as much a deciding factor to buy from a company as the sales staff is, Shopbot is always giving back to its customer base and potential customers as much as or more than alot of other companies do. This is a brilliant buisness model to follow, if your customers know you will support them in the future they will not forget it, and will continue to support you in the future , name other companies that put on and host group meetings to help customers that have already spent their money with them . I do understand the camps are for potential new customers to see machines operate , hence generate new sales but there fun and informative as well, I for one am glad i went with a bot over anything else i could have...

10-16-2007, 04:18 PM
We bought our shopbot over 3 years ago and use it to cut very basic shapes out of pvc. We are not at all up on the technical end of any of it and the shopbot people are WONDERFUL with us! Frank has talked us through what I am sure are very basic fixes and never sounds frustrated or impatient. It is SO appreciated! Shopbot was definately the right choice for us on every level.