View Full Version : ShopBot public service anyone?
09-12-2002, 08:52 AM
I occasionally get requests for paper plans for the rubber-band racers ( , from teachers or others that don't have ShopBots but would like to do them with a school class or community group. The racer was designed as a ShopBot project and although you could probably cut them by hand it would require a lot of fussing to get the two halves to match correctly and would be kind of a pain in general!
Are there any ShopBotters that would be willing to cut a set every once in a while for a worthy cause? Maybe a school with a ShopBot looking for a community service project? Or a kind-hearted person wanting to help out some kids? Or maybe a ShopBotter just trying to make amends for their own mis-spent youth!
You can cut 20 racers out of a sheet of 1/2" plywood (that you would charge the teacher or parent for, or donate if you felt prosperous!), and I can provide files for the custom shopvac-powered vacuum table that we used to cut them at the Jamboree if you wanted to cut them one at a time. When they're all done, put them in one of those Rubbermaid tubs, wrap it up with duct-tape, and take it to the Post Office or send it by UPS.
Anybody kind-hearted ShopBotters out there?
12-05-2002, 03:46 PM
I would love to help out. Please let me know if you get anymore of those requests. I am in Portland, Oregon. I already make tons of other toys for kids, so what's one more. Email me at (
12-06-2002, 08:38 AM
I'm in once I get up and running, Mid- January. I'll cover eastern Canada, if possible.
Dale Kerrazy Kerr
12-06-2002, 12:18 PM
Thanks guys...I'll put you on the list.
12-06-2002, 06:56 PM
Hi Bill, Just talked with my wife about this proposal. We would be glad to assist. We are located in Windsor, ON. Canada. We could look after some of your Canadian orders for you. Keep in touch and let us know.
12-06-2002, 09:39 PM
I am in the Phoenix area and would like to give it a try and do my best. Send me any info I need
12-06-2002, 09:42 PM
I guess the e-mail doesn't go in automatically.
12-06-2002, 11:35 PM
Mr. Bill !!
Put me on your list - - I am rather limited right now, only have my PR48 running, BUT that should change soon !!! In the Chattanooga, TN area.
12-07-2002, 09:40 AM
I have to say, conversations like this is what drove me to decide on purchasing a ShopBot. It is really great to see people lending a hand where it is needed. Speaking of which, does anyone know how they are making out in Durham, NC ? We too,had a similar situation here in Ottawa, Canada 5 years ago, and it sends a chill down everyones spine when they see it happen again elsewhere.
Keep up the great spirit of lending a hand!!!
12-07-2002, 12:04 PM
God Bless you Bill, and everyone that is involved,You know this could be a great thing, We as shopbotters could start a Christmas toy giveaway for needy kids like the bikers do every year but rather than having a rally we could do a contest for a design that everyone could make say in Aug. then the top three winners could recieve an award or trophy plus a write up in their own local newspaper. then everyone that wants to make some of the toys for the following Christmas Could do that. They could do some for their own local toy drive and some for a national one. if any one is interested in this just e-mail me and I will help put together a list. Remember guys it is written in the Bible " Give and it shall be Given unto You"... Also Bill Put me on your list. David in Wyoming...
12-07-2002, 02:53 PM
Hi David,
Thanks for both the kind thoughts and the offer to get involved.
Great minds think alike! We've been talking about doing a very similar thing for the Jamboree... hosting a "design contest" to generate some new ideas for things that ShopBotters could make and give away to good causes. Maybe not just toys but also things like special furniture or gadgets for kids with dis-abilities, or others with special needs. In the best of all worlds we'll have people submit a cut file, a snapshot of what the piece looks like when done, and instructions for cutting it.. then we'll be able to start a "library" of sorts which could be accessible to ALL Shopbotters ( maybe on the FTP site..?)
I know this is pretty vague at the moment, but is this something that ShopBotters would be interested in getting involved in? Not only in designing and cutting projects but also in helping Bill P. and I get it organized for the Jamboree.
Any takers?
12-07-2002, 03:41 PM
I don't know about anyone else but you can count me in. I don't know if I'll be at the Jamboree but anything I can do to help just e-mail me at ( ( mywebsite is down right now and will be untill I get a new server) anyway I would really like to help as I have worked with disabled persons befor and I curently work with a youth group in our town that built a skatepark for the youth and for visitors to use for free.I donated house signs to be sold for $30.00 for the fund raising. I really feel that if someone would have taken time to befriend me when I was young I would not have had half the tough time growing up I had. My Dad was Killed when I was 14 and it became real hard for my mom and of course I acted out like most young kids. Even if someone would have taken the time to make a simple project and given it to me for christmas or whenever I think that would have helped. So needless to say working with youth is my main goal. My wife and I are trying to expand our business to the point of running 5 shopbots with 7 employees full time so that we have an income way in excess of our needs to be able to help others. We plan on starting a Traveling Rock Concert show with some big name performers that have found out the hard way that money and fame and the drugs and such doesn't cut it. But helping others and a personal Knowledge of our Lord does. Don't mean to evangalize but that is me. The Lord has provided very well for us over the years and now it is time to pay some of it back. David in Wyoming....... P.S. if anyone wants to move to Ridgway Colorado, just a short drive from the booming ski town of Teluride and run their business from there I have a secound home (3 bedroom LOG with shop) for sale. thanks and God bless and may he cause you all to prosper greatly.
12-07-2002, 06:26 PM
Ted M and I could probably handle a few orders. Ted has been making small stools and rocking chairs, as well as some furniture pieces, for a local children's shelter. They are THRILLED to have the donations, but here's the best part: when he called a couple of our regular suppliers to tell them what he is doing and asking for materials to make these things, they practically fell over themselves to donate the materials he needed. One even thanked HIM for asking them to donate. Another said "you only need 7 sheets of material? We lose that much everyday!" So it never hurts to ask (and it also helps to thank these suppliers publically - they love that!)
David B.
12-08-2002, 11:33 AM
Hi David,
That's a good point on getting donations from suppliers... if nothing else, just about every yard I've ever been in has a stack of damaged sheets that the forklift driver has clobbered! I've been getting 1/2" MDF with one corner busted off as cover sheets for the last month from one wholesaler...they must have massacred a skid of it!
Ted's project sounds great. I have some neat (and very simple) chairs at home that my uncle made when I was a kid that can be flipped on end and used as tables. They would probably be great for something like that....hmmmm.
12-11-2002, 11:15 AM
Bill, If we design any projects to use here should we send YOU the files, and if so would you like both .dxf AND .sbp formats with a little blurb/illustration? Are we targeting projects which can be assembled by the kids? ( with a little adult supervision...). Maybe if we get a couple of responses we can do a "catalog" somewhere on the web page/Bill's Corner, etc.
Bill P.
12-14-2002, 01:00 PM
Howdy Bill,
I'm not really sure how it ought to work. I like your idea about having an online "catalog" of projects, and I'm sure we can get some space on ShopBot's server to host it.
What I would REALLY like to see are projects that are "complete", not only the cutting files and drawings but also instructions for cutting and assembling the project and drawings or cutting files for any specialty holding or assembly jigs. I know that's a LOT of work, but that way there won't be any guesswork, especially for new shopbotters that want to get involved.
Here's one possibility to get things rolling. We'll come up with some VERY loose quidelines, and between now and the Jamboree let's see what ideas folks can come up with for these sort of projects. Then we'll all bring our prototypes ( or finished packages) to the Jamboree and set up a part of the show-and-tell area to display them. Maybe have a design roundtable to help folks work through design or cutting problems. It will be a good way to get the designs exposed to a lot of ShopBotters and get some help in working out last-minute details. With any luck we'll have plenty of new projects to post for download, and maybe inspire others to work on things as well.
Anyone interested in working with me in getting this set up?
Bill Y.
12-20-2002, 07:50 PM
Hi Bill,
Sounds like a great idea! I have two young boys and want to make gadgets and fun toys for them and when I do I would be happy to forward those designs to you.
Hope to see you at the Jamboree this year. I'm finally free from teaching for second semester and will dedicate my time to boats/toys/painting and of course, shopbot!
Jim Hammond Inner Bay Boats
Langton, Ontario, Canada
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