View Full Version : Racing Horses & Eagle Update
Brady Watson
05-05-2007, 06:30 PM
One of my customers recently had the need for a racing horse and jockey relief. They sent me a model and it was laser digitized, modified in ArtCAM and scaled up to various sizes. The reliefs were then toolpathed and cut on the Bot. The largest one is about 20" long and took about 2hrs to cut with a 1/8" ball @ 5,3 IPS using a 0.008" stepover. There isn't one line or toolpath mark on any of the models since the stepover was so tight. It took about 40% longer than it would have running the typical 10% stepover value, but that's less work for the customer and a higher perceived value. The customer is going to gold leaf these & they are really going to pop! The smaller models measure about 5X7" and were cut with a 1/16" ball @ 3,2 IPS.
Here's the original scan, 'squashed' in Z:
and a close-up of one of them cut after the software changes (I added hair to the space in the mane, adjusted 'back' leg heights and removed ribs on saddle belt):
Here's the whole menagerie showing the original model (center) and various relief models that were derived from it:
The same customer sent me some pics of the large eagle that I cut out for them some months back. The original thread is here (
The original 5X7" model is on the top and the 4" thick HDU scaled model is below it. They did a really nice job on the finishing!
Original model scanned on Roland Picza 3D Probe scanner (above)
Finished relief carving done by customer.
Nice work Brady!
Brady did a scan for one of my customer recently and we are very happy with how fast and how detailed was the scan.
I'll see if I can post something with my customer approval...
Forget about doing your own scans; send it to iBILD!
05-05-2007, 06:58 PM
(or are you a wizard mouse??)
You mentioned in the post you referenced a collection of 3d files you were working on that would be available by the first of the year, whats the latest on that?
Brady Watson
05-05-2007, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the reference & kind words.
Another botter and I were considering putting a collection of 3D reliefs together, but we have decided against it for several reasons. For one, you never know what people want & you may be creating models that never sell, or wind up with models that are 'one size fits nobody'. I think the biggest thing that has pulled us back from creating a collection of our own is a matter of scruples and professional courtesy. James Booth and the team at VectorArt3D really have a handle on what people want & have executed it beautifully. I like my friends and don't feel right competing with them when they are trying to build a business. Many of you will quickly realize that this slice of the CNC world is relatively small, although growing. It was more important for me not to step on any toes and put an emphasis on what I do best - quality digitizing, that anyone with an eye for excellence can afford.
05-05-2007, 08:29 PM
WOW !!!
Brady Watson
05-05-2007, 08:43 PM
By the way...the pic above doesn't really show the scale of the eagle. Here's the customer standing on the roof after installation.
05-05-2007, 09:38 PM
It's a shame that eagle is mounted way up top on the roof - people won't appriciate the amount of detail in the carving or the finish.
PS: Sorry about your customer...he must have hade some type of horrible accident
05-06-2007, 01:46 AM
I went to your site and thought previously i had saw some type of rates but couldn't find them. One of the things I thought i might be able to do is some type of antique or furniture restoration where, say a part needed to be duplicated and replaced. How can I figure your rates? Obviously the part would have to be shipped to you correct? Once the part is scanned and created what format file is it delivered in? Is it something that can be resized, manipulated or worked with after getting it from you?
I have an antique "settee" that i might like to restore to maybe use as an example piece. From my very limited research, your assertion that it would be cheaper in the long run to farm the scanner work out is probably true.
05-06-2007, 01:51 AM
Now thats what i call a "Facelift"
Brady Watson
05-06-2007, 02:11 AM
John et al,
Contact me off list for scanning services...we're in the Show & Tell section...
05-06-2007, 11:17 AM
Looks like you are "off to the races". Just curious, what kind of wood is it? It's such a light color. If I ever need anything scanned, I know who to send it to.
Brady Watson
05-06-2007, 11:20 AM
It's HDU - High Density Urethane Foam, commonly referred to as sign foam.
05-06-2007, 04:26 PM
Tell your customer to keep his face out of the belt sander!!
BTW nice work!!
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