View Full Version : Buddy Count

11-12-2007, 08:41 PM
Hi all, Just wondering how many Buddy Systems are out there so far. Pics of your setup would be cool too. Ours is due at the end of Nov.

11-12-2007, 09:37 PM
Whats the different from a buddy from a normal PRS standard kind? Or what made you pick the buddy over another kind?

11-13-2007, 08:07 AM
Andy, I picked the prs standard buddy because I looked at an older 4x4 prt and realized the 4x4 was too big and I wanted the new control software. Plus the money I would have had in the used 4x4 I got a new standard buddy. So I used the extra money and got the spindle instead of the router. I really do not need to cut full sheets of material. They will be releasing a powerstick soon that allows you to run longer material. It just seemed the right choice for me. From what I understand the buddy is really popular and that is why I put the original post on here to see just how popular the buddy is. Doug

11-13-2007, 10:08 PM
well i will become a buddy owner in maybe a few years after i get some money saved up for it

11-18-2007, 08:34 PM
Buddy is the best! For the small suff I do I would wrather have 3 buddies than one 96x48. I watched my 3d stuff carved on an Alpha, and seeing it carved on my buddy, I can't tell the difference in speed. Less to clean, easy to get around, less shop space to heat in the winter.
Here's a picture of my shop. I use spring clamps to hold my work down. Just about everything I do is 3d carving.

11-19-2007, 07:21 AM
I ordered one but the ship date keeps getting pushed back. 11-9, then 11-16, now they say Tuesday. Supposed to get a call today to see if the date moves again. Definitely taking the wind out of the sails so to speak as far as motivation to have it at all. I am sure if / when it finally arrives the winds will pick up again.

11-19-2007, 10:06 AM
Hi Mike,

I am the kind of guy who would like to not have to wait too. If I am making something, I want it done now! When I order something, I want it now! So, I understand.

Trust that the wait time will be worth every second!

Have you already downloaded the CAD/CAM software and started to get your feet wet or parts ready to cut. That will help. Also down load the documentation and know what you want to do when the crate gets there.

I know it is hard, but you made a wise decision to invest in a ShopBot product.

Let us all know when you get it and pictures too!

11-19-2007, 11:22 AM
That's me, if I order something, I like it delivered as promised. I guess it wouldn't be such a disappointint if I never would have received a date for shipment. I was told after the second delay that the 11-9 date should have never been given. I am sure it will be worth the wait... I was told absolutely it was being assembled today and would ship by tomorrow, unless they miss the truck before getting it crated up. Ryan is supposed to call me with an update.

Funny part is my wife has went into labor and they had to stop it due to being too premature. Now the joke around the house is which will arrive first, the baby or the bot?

I have downloaded all the software, even the Vectric, including the now updated versions. Seems like the more I play with the software, the more frustrated I get with not being able to turn out the piece due to the delays though.

Their customer service before the sale is top notch, I think after the sale will be equal, I am just caught up on the wrong side of a supply / demand issue right now.

11-19-2007, 12:32 PM
Congrats on the baby!

You will not have time for a ShopBot so maybe you should call ShopBot and have them deliver your machine to the next person in line. It will be a while before you will have time to use it!

Kidding of course.

Maybe we should start a pool here on the baby vs the ShopBot delivery date!

11-19-2007, 01:13 PM

Congrats on BOTH of your new helpers!

They both arrive (after some labor pains) as helpless gems that need your nurturing to grow. Pretty soon they'll be crawling, then walking, then running circles around you! It all depends on how much time you devote to each.

The forum can help you with ONE of your new gifts! We're ready for the asking. Good luck. :-)

Scott Cox

11-19-2007, 02:01 PM
Ed it will certainly be a time management issue. I have been wanting both for way too long so I am going to be greedy and keep both. Maybe when the Bot acts up, I will go home, when the baby does I will just go to the shop. Not sure how that plan will fly with momma though.

It's still anyone's guess as to how that pool will go. Ryan just called and said it was being assembled (the Bot) as we spoke and without any assembly glitches or testing failures it would ship tomorrow. Dr. appt. tomorrow they may deem it safe to deliver (the baby) and take her off the meds.

Scott, don't worry I am sure there will not be a shortage of questions by me for all you veterans.

Does anyone know if the indexer will work with the "Buddy" system?

11-19-2007, 10:13 PM
Robert, Do you have the "Standard", or "Alpha" Buddy?

11-19-2007, 10:35 PM
Rumour has it that there are 100 SB's of various types that are scheduled to be shipped by 12/31!!
This is a huge increase from recent averages of 30-40/mo. I'm reminded of the old add for internet sales when the orders overtake the anticipated volumes and the company owners look like deer caught in the headlights. Maybe we all need to stop bragging about how much we love our shopbot's!!!

11-19-2007, 10:51 PM
I have the standard. When it is doing 3d carving, I think it goes as fast as an Alpha, but on straight line cuts the Alpha is the top dog. That's what I've been reading in the forums. I'm also using the PC router. It seemed like an eternity on the wait for it to come but you quickly forget all that as you are consumed by the learning curve. When you get it cutting the way you want you'll have that giddy feeling and you can't stop smiling. It's really, really cool.

11-20-2007, 08:42 PM
I admire your work, Robert, and you're just begining. I wish that I'd(25 years ago) had your oportunity to incorporate CNC in artwork. Your reply really hits the CNC nail on the head for me. There are several show fees in the price difference between the two machines! I'd rather start with the KISS plan on everything.

11-20-2007, 11:38 PM
Well, I was supposed to get a call by Ryan today for a shipping update, but it never came so I guess I have to write this off as another delay.

I don't see how they could possibly be pushing out a 100 by the end of the year, they seem to be stuck on mine...

11-21-2007, 11:19 PM
Well mine is surely pushed back too. It was due to ship on 11/30. I got the standard with 2.2 spindle. I'm in the process of running the wire and getting ready to order a cyclone dc from pennstate industries. I hope to see you guys get yours soon. Did they give you a reason on the hold up?

11-23-2007, 07:56 AM
Mine shipped! I even have a tracking number. It arrives Tuesday. I have been saving my vacation time for a worthy event, now I have it... Where the heck is my vacation request form?

I will be sure to get some pic's to post. Then in about 6 months when I get it figured out I can post a finished piece... I am expecting a long learning curve.

11-27-2007, 09:56 PM
The baby beat the Bot! But only by hours. Baby arrived on 11-26 at 9:10 PM, Bot arrived on 11-27 around Noon.

On the downside, I did not receive the V Carve software. I was told it was all on the SB3 CD, but it's not on mine. Has anyone else experienced this?

11-27-2007, 10:15 PM
Congratulations!! And here's ome more good news... call or e-mail Dianne@shopbottools.com (mailto:Dianne@shopbottools.com) and she will send you an e-mail with a link to download the Partworks and Partworks 3D with a Liscense Name and serial number o input and you're off and running. I did this on my system I just got. When you click the link, you can click run, and it will install it right on your computer, or you can click save and save the 10Mb EXE file to run later. I saved the EXE file to a flash drive and loaded the software on my Vista computer that doesn't go on the internet. Just print out the e-mail you get from Dianne so you have the number handy and tuck it into your white binder you got.

11-28-2007, 01:09 AM
Mike, Congrats on both of the the new arivals! Where are you ever going to find the time to play with the bot? My son is two and a half and I am starting to worry about finding time to play with the bot. Mine is still set to ship on the 30th. I dont even have the wire ran all the way to my location. What dust collectors are you guys using with your buddy's?

11-28-2007, 05:42 AM
Congratulations Mike on both.

Your first project can be one of the fancy 3D new baby announcements I see in some of the 3D pictures!

Keep us posted on both the baby and the buddy.

11-29-2007, 09:52 AM
I emailed Dianne and received the link, now just to download and install. Thanks Robert.

12-11-2007, 08:19 AM
Mike, How are things going with the new arrivals? My bot got pushed back too, it was originally to go out on 11/30 and here we are mid december. Have you had a chance to run your's yet? Any problems yet? Doug

12-11-2007, 01:33 PM
The baby is fine, the bot is frustrating. Nothing but problems so far. I had an electrical issue that acted like something was shorting out, but mysteriously disappeared, an over heating issue and the Unit Values were all off. All seems to be resolved now. Support was very helpful with all the above issues. My only problem is due to my (and Emily's) schedule, everything occurred after hours so there was some waiting involved in getting to work on the issue. On the bright side, if you plan an issue during business hours, you can talk to support almost immediately.

Sorry to hear you were delayed as well. I was told to think of it as a nice Christmas present, but that really didn't help. Believe me, there is nothing sweeter than seeing the roadway truck in your driveway. As soon as you get your tracking # from Roadway, I would contact them to ensure everything is correct. Roadway was set to deliver the bot to my house instead of the shop and they were not aware that I paid the $125.00 for lift gate service due to not having a loading dock. They said they had to switch trucks to accommodate that need, then proceeded to try to bill me for it. I faxed my paperwork and all was well.

12-11-2007, 09:53 PM
Mike, sorry to hear about your bot problems. Should I expect these issues with mine? I thought they tested these before they left their facility. Was the fix for the unit values an easy fix? Was it not moving the correct distance you told it to move? I hope you can get some time to start making stuff. I know what its like, I got a 2 1/2 year old and I am an electrician in a steel mill working 21 turn. So I hope my start up is easy. What dust collector are you going to use? Thanks for all the info, I look forward to seeing your work posted on the forum. Doug

12-12-2007, 08:15 AM
Doug, my unit values issue was due to my ordering the 7.2 gear upgrade. They left the UV's at the factory settings for the 3.6 gears so my movements were about half. Entering "MY 32", you would expect the router to travel from one corner of the table to the other, but it would only go half way.

The electrical issue and the overheating may be a common issue to other users, not sure. I was told to lay the PC on it's side to dissapate the heat evenly instead of the heat rising to the top driver, which is the Z axiz driver. That seems to resolve. Not sure how it will act this Summer though when temp's. and humidity sky rocket. I am going to build a cabinet with plenty of vent holes and attach a small fan to get more air moving around it. They send you a dust bag to put your PC in to protect it from the dust, but I had to stop using it. I have not had my electrical issue after the one time. As a Network Administrator, I typically write off an issue as a fluke if it does not reoccur. I have written this one off as such.

I am using an old 1.5 HP vertical bag dust collection system. (Amazon.com for about $140.00) Seems to do well, but I haven't cut much of anything to know for sure. Surfacing the spoilboard will be a true test for it. With the bot, I received a dust collection boot that has a short (3' approx.) tube that I connected to the hose on my dust collector. Mine keeps falling out of the boot when the router moves. I am considering screwing it to the boot permanently. I figure a short screw that barely cuts all the way through the plexiglass boot should not interfere with chip removal.

Shopbot support emailed me a table hole file that will help in aligning the drill holes in your spoilboard with the predrilled holes in the table. You will need about 30 1/4 #20 screws. If you want the file just let me know.

12-12-2007, 10:26 AM
Mike, Thanks again for the info and yes I would appreciate the file for the spoilboard you can send it to rooter52069@gmail.com (mailto:rooter52069@gmail.com), What kind of material and how many layers are you using for the spoilboard? Why did you get a 7.2 gear upgrade? For speed? We may have to install a small fan in the driver box to remove the heat. I found out mine is due to ship this friday and my luck I am on daylights all next week. Maybe someone will trade a shift with me? Keep me posted as I will you on any issues or findings. Thanks Doug

12-12-2007, 11:11 AM
Doug, I will email you the info. / file this afternoon.