View Full Version : In the middle of a really long cut and the bushings went...

12-12-2009, 06:56 PM
So I'm towards the end of a really long 3d cut job here and my router went really quiet, probably the bushings.

How can I change them and continue this cut? I have a prt model here and no upgrade yet.

12-12-2009, 07:14 PM
When you say "really quiet" do you mean it stopped?

Bad bushings (bearings) get noisier with wear.
The only thing I know of that will make something run quieter is a phenomenon discovered by Nikoli Tesla called Fluid Boundary Layer.
"Air Bearing" might be another term for it?

Anyway...something might run quieter as the shaft is floating space or grease...but when a load is placed upon it the party is over.

Sorry...don't know anything about picking up code in the middle of a run.

12-12-2009, 07:21 PM
This is exactly what happen last time my bushings were wore out...the router got really quiet. Replaced the bushings and walla. I have an extra set here ready to go.

I need to learn how to start my file at line 91245 and have that 1/2" ballnose bit it the exact same spot when i do.

12-12-2009, 07:27 PM
Not sure about your problem or machine set up but I was able to stop a 3d cut 4 hrs into a 7 hr file and changed the brushes....hit space bar, made the brush change being very careful not to move any axis during the change, after the change, 15 mins, resumed the file with no errors in the cut. Is it possible to remove your router from and out of the top and replace with one of the three spares you hopefully have...being precise as always making sure to set bit and new router ht the same +- .009 or less

Gene Crain
www.plantasymaderas.com (http://www.plantasymaderas.com)

12-12-2009, 07:48 PM
Hi Gene,

I thought about that method, glad it worked for you. I think I will just take note of my current x,y,z positions, and tomorrow when i get the bushings changed I will enter those in, and then start that file back at line 91,245.

12-12-2009, 08:20 PM
you also might need to make sure you have done a C2, C3 as before the router problem...I tried to restart a file as you want to do and.......well that piece is now a wall hanging in the shop of how not to do a carving...

Gene Crain
www.plantasymaderas.com (http://www.plantasymaderas.com)

12-13-2009, 09:00 AM
You can resume from any line in the code.
I have done this on occasion. Review several posts on this topic, but the general jist of it is.
File/Goto line
File name/Start
Click 'Setup a Restart of this file'
enter line number to start
click goto
click run from here.

You should test this process before actually running it in your project wood. Might make up a part to run off the part you are cutting and test the process.

12-13-2009, 11:51 AM
Jason as Gene notes it does you no good if you lose your 0,0 so here is what i do.

Place my material on table
C3- find 0,0 at lower left on table

manually move carriage to my 0,0 on my material (for me its the center)

Then i take note of the X,Y settings and write them down- RE zero at your material 0,0

Now if anyting happens to my coordinates, as long as i don't move the material i can find my 0,0 on the table by going back to what i wrote down.
That has saved me more then once....

12-13-2009, 01:25 PM
Guys, thanks for all the help. Problem is I think I know how this story ends. I'm using 15# 2" Sign Foam and I don't want to take any chances. I'm going to start the file over and cut air for 4 hours, then it will finish an hour after that.
Wish me luck.

12-13-2009, 02:02 PM
Gene, I should have done it your way!!

12-13-2009, 02:13 PM
It seems impossible to me to re-enter a cut even when you know the line number and xyz position. When the machine stopped it was somewhere in the middle of a line... therefore starting at the beginning of a line in that same position??? That should lead to a disaster if I'm not mistaken.

I'm sitting here debating this in my head, but there isn't much of a debate for starting on line 91,245...so I'm a goin' back to 1.

12-13-2009, 03:09 PM
Cutting air for 4 hours???
Sounds like a hunting trip with the boys.

I don't think there is anybody that hasn't been in your shoes.
It's like creating 3D files....the longer you go without "Saving" your creation the better the chances the computer will excrement out precisely a few seconds before your file is complete.

Sounds like you just became more experienced?

12-13-2009, 04:47 PM
Yeah... thats what I tried also Jason, restarted at line xx,xxx everything the same or so I thought...double check all...OK good to go...wow that was easy.....hit start and....##@!!"...so that is how I got my nice shop wall hanging. Oh well lesson learned.

Gene Crain
www.plantasymaderas.com (http://www.plantasymaderas.com)

12-13-2009, 06:29 PM
If your zero is lost then it doesn't matter if you start from line 1 or 100,000, it still won't come out right. It will just take longer to find out that it's not right.

You can start a few lines before the line that was stopped at, as long as there is a safe path from the bit location to the end point of the line you are staring from. Figure out the end location of the line you want to start from, put the tool directly above that point, and use FG as Butch suggests.