View Full Version : Not impressed with results!

10-24-2006, 05:47 PM
I wanted to carve this as a boxlid for the grandkids but the results were less than desirable. Can anyone look at this and give me tips on how to improve it? I used a 1/8th inch ballnose bit. It took about 3 hours to cut. I think it would look better if cleared an area around subjects and all elements (hair, teeth, ect) stood above the surface of the wood intead of the hair and other features being "sunk in". Any advice?



10-24-2006, 06:25 PM
That's 100% normal with this strategie. You can try to reverse the way it's carved; white low, dark high. Or to look at modeling into something like ArtCAM PRO so you can have control over the relief end result. The time involve, hence the price, will be quite different though...

If this would have been carved into say acrylic, I bet it would be a nice lithophane.

What CAM have you used to make the toolparth file(s)?

10-24-2006, 09:49 PM
Jack: This can come alive with your finishing. If you use a "glazing" technique with stain and wipe it off after application judiciously you will watch your work pop out at you in a wonderfully startling way. Others also will stain it evenly and then go after "highs" to lighten them up with light sanding. The results will depend on the material and stain you use.

10-24-2006, 10:52 PM
I did take a wet rag and wipe it to see if it would show more detail, and I will do as you suggest. Also depending on the angle you look at it you see more detail. I am probably going to redo this anyway and invert the details. If you look at this pic you will see the details inverted. Even though i test cut that in plywood I like the details better the way its cut.