View Full Version : PR96 DOS to Windows conversion? $$$$$?

05-14-2004, 12:57 AM
Does it cost a lot of money to switch over to windows from the older DOS version? Is it worth it? Are there good programs out there that will run in the DOS environment? I know a little DOS but I like seeing the pretty pictures...
What will be my limitaitions working in DOS VS WIN?

-(newbie ShopBotter)John

ron brown
05-14-2004, 07:40 AM

ShopBot does not charge for their software. The WinDoze software does take an ~500MHz or faster computer to run the preview screen.

I still run my cutting files in DOS. The folks who work with me in the shop have no idea the machine is actually running in DOS. The only thing I notice is the mouse/trackball doesn't respond in the program.

As usual, the most limiting factor in working with a CNC tool is your mind. The tools are far more accurate than most can do by hand and don't complain about repeditive tasks.


05-14-2004, 07:46 AM
Will the old PR96 controller handle Windows versions of the SB software? I thought that a controller upgrade was necessary for this??

05-14-2004, 08:32 AM
I guess that was the real question I was trying to ask is if you need a whole different controller so that you don't have to take your files from your WIN PC to your DOS PC. Although I don't think that would be a terrible thing. Do your design work in the house and take the .sb files out to the shop. I'm assuming this is how it is done? I really haven't even picked up my new (new to me PR96) I just know the person said it was the DOS system. I guess it kind of freaked me out thinking I was gonna have scour out of print places for DOS books so I could re-learn DOS.

05-14-2004, 10:31 AM
The DOS version is pretty simple to learn....and very stable. It won't hold your hand like the Windows version....and lacks a few bells and whistles, but it's more than capable and nothing to be freaked out about. You can launch from within the Windows shell using the emulator if that makes it more comfortable for you.
You'll need the newer PRT controller to use the new operating software. You can find them for sale on these boards, on Ebay occasionally, or I'm sure Shopbot HQ can lead you in the right direction....though I think they stopped the upgrade offer recently to focus more on the new Alpha.
I wouldn't make a decision until your machine arrives and you've used it. Many many Botters use the older DOS systems because of the dependability and ease of edit features....D

Scott Smith (Unregistered Guest)
05-14-2004, 03:13 PM
I have a PRT. I still use the DOS version in the shop (no mouse to drag through sawdust) and the windows version in the office. The only bad thing is the file management in DOS but the Windows shell sounds like a good idea.

John, Welcome and good luck with your new PR96!

05-14-2004, 08:42 PM
Thanks to all that responded It makes me feel a lot better with this purchase. Thanks for the welcome too.