View Full Version : Control Box Shipping Damage

11-02-2007, 11:36 PM
I am a newbie, I am unpacking my new Buddy system and found the Control box case was damaged and the main board inside was tilted really bad. I pulled the side panel off and this is what I found.
It looks like it was packed upside down and the weight of the giant coil did the damage. It had to have taken a heavy impact but the white foam in he box showed no signs of stress.
I don't know what all is supposed to be inside the control box as I have never seen one. I have an electronics degree, so I feel reasonably confident I can put it back together. Has anyone seen anything like this? Does everything appear to be there? I desperately need to get up and running fast so I am interested in trying to make this work if I can. I'm just gathering all the information I can before I dig in. I have also e-mailed support in parallel.
Thank you in advance!

11-03-2007, 01:30 AM
If it is supposed to lay flat in the box and it is jarred in that far it had to have sustained quite a shock. First thing i would do is call shopbot. They will arrange to have one to you asap (if history repeats itself knowing them) you will not have any problems. I hate when you have problems on a weekend cuz you'll have to wait till monday.