View Full Version : Filing system

08-22-2008, 07:01 PM
i am curious about what type of filing systems
shopbotters use for saving there files.
dxf files. cut files. photo of finish work.
i seem to spend to much time looking for previous
files i am thinking of using excel database.
not sure if this is the correct way to go.

looking for a fool proof system.
if there such a thing.
thanks paul

Gary Campbell
08-22-2008, 08:33 PM
As soon as we devise something that is foolproof, someone invents a new class of fools!

First let me mention that I NEVER store data of any kind on a drive that holds a Windows based operating system (normally (C) All saved files on our SB control computer are on our (D) Data drive.

Screen Clip as forum doesnt accept spaces before text:


SbParts (folder) backup copy of C:\SbParts containing custom files and custom postP's etc. The go to folder for all cutting and drilling files that dont use drawing programs.

08-23-2008, 04:54 PM
I jut have them under another directory with their name or email address as the dir name. no real need to make sub dirs since the programs won't access the other ones.