View Full Version : What are the unit values for a 25 tooth pinion and 7.2 motors?

10-06-2007, 01:10 PM
Just received my 7.2 upgrade... I went with all 4 motors as 7.2. Shopbot sent me 3 30 tooth pinions and 1 25 tooth pinion (for the Z I assume). Anyone know the unit values for a 25 tooth 7.2?


10-06-2007, 01:23 PM
Hi Scott,

What was the reason for going 7.2 on the Z axis ?

Sorry I can't help you with the values.



10-06-2007, 01:56 PM
I wanted more resolution on the Z axis.. I have tried to do 12 degree radius fretboards for a guitar, and there was not enough resolution to keep from having flat spots on the radius...


Brady Watson
10-06-2007, 02:26 PM
Your unit values will be 30/25 times the standard PRS unit value for the Z. (25T pinion turns 1.2X faster than a 30T pinion) So:

-2979.3805 * 30/25 (1.2) = -3575.2566


10-07-2007, 12:44 AM
I love my Shopbot, but I found a much better tool for this particular job. If you happen to have,or have access to a Woodmaster planer/moulder, or similar tool, I just had them grind a 12" radius profile knife for me. It was under $100, and I now radius a fretboard in about 3 seconds. I built a carrier board that runs 3 fretboards in a row. Hardly any sanding, it is awesome! It used to take me over 1/2 hour of hard work to sand a 12" radius in ebony fretboards with a radius block and PSA sandpaper. Now it takes almost no time at all.

I considered selling this tool (the Woodmaster)several times, but now I am REAL glad I procrastinated!


www.cumberlandacoustic.com (http://www.cumberlandacoustic.com)

10-08-2007, 04:23 PM
I actually ended up buying another tool for the radiusing anyway. I bought a radiusing sander from Grizzly that will do anything from 7 to 16 inch radius and compound between the 2.

Not as fast as a planer, but a bit more adjustable.