04-04-2007, 07:32 PM
The latest version of the Shopbot newsletter- "The Edge" has been posted on the Shopbot web page as a .PDF file-
Most of you should be getting it in the mail, but just in case you have moved and not notified Shopbot of your latest address this will still let you access it. They are currently being mailed out to all listed machine owners so you should see a copy in your mailbox within a week. If you do NOT get a copy it might not be a bad idea to send Shopbot an e-mail with an update of your current address.
Most of you should be getting it in the mail, but just in case you have moved and not notified Shopbot of your latest address this will still let you access it. They are currently being mailed out to all listed machine owners so you should see a copy in your mailbox within a week. If you do NOT get a copy it might not be a bad idea to send Shopbot an e-mail with an update of your current address.