View Full Version : Embedding the rr command
02-14-2001, 02:25 AM
is there any way to embed the RR command into a file? i've tried without success. beyond the FP command, could RR be used with GOSUB/GOTO? i am aware of variables and other advanced commands but i am not yet comfortable with that style of programming... just curious about the kind of tools available.
02-14-2001, 12:53 PM
Um, er ???
RR is Record Reply .... right ?
Why would you want to rerecord what you are currently doing from an existing file ?
It's already IN a file IF you are running an sbp program, so you would already have the commands typed in.
Just edit the file with LABELS and GOTO commands
to achieve LOOPING or replaying of commands.
If your trying to do OFFSETs for a step and repeat action then use variables for OFFSET and INCREMENT
and loop based on the length or width of the base material. There is an example in the article Chronicle of a Shopbot owner in the SB web pages.
If that is too long to read ( and it is long ) then e-mail me with your specific question(s).
I believe that RR is meant for those situations or persons who want to do the job BY HAND the first time, while recording what they are doing, then play back the recorded program for subsequent call s of that job.
03-29-2001, 12:15 AM
I would like to echo the words of wisdom expressed by Bob. the use of variables is very simple to learn and really simplifies your programming. Remember there are simple system variables that all start with % and from them you can get all kinds of data to work with. For instance if you want to step over 1/2 inch from a current x position. Of course you could go to incremental, but that would not demonstrate my thought.
You could:
mx %1+.5 '%1 is the value of the current x location.
you can also create automatically compensating files that allow for cutter diameter such as;
mx newlocation+(%20/2) '%20 is the current diameter set with the VC command for cutter diameter.
Take the time to learn variable programming. It is rewarding and even fun! (for us pocket protector wearing types)
03-29-2001, 05:32 PM
The old addage ...
"Old Age and Trechery will always overcome
Youth and speed"
applies. heh heh heh
Just look a the US Senate for one example :-)
But seriously folks ...
Wayne is right on.
Plus the use of variables decreases the sbp file size
as opposed to doing everything in CAD with lots of copied elements.
Plaid sox, pocket protector, slide rule, and taped-up glasses pretty much defines the NERD :-)
Side Note: ( for nerdy programmer types only )
A really really kewel windows text editor is TextPad4. It even has macro recording capability.
$27 shareware, search it out for a free DL on the web.
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