View Full Version : Google EARTH over to Shopbot's home !
08-06-2006, 07:56 AM
If you Google Earth at all,
you might like to see where Shopbot is located, on Industrial Drive.
Took me awhile, but I found it based on their photo of their bldg.045
and directions to their place(on their website) at url..
- and by finding a v.similar bld. on Industrial Drive
with a bit of a dirt track to one side, and three bushes out front!
as shown in the photo attached.
Look for the yellow school buses on the corner of Industrial Dr.
and you'll know you're getting real close!
If you're interested,
the co-ordinates are
36 degrees, 03' 30.47 North
78 degrees, 51' 26.07 West
THAT's where your Shopbot was made.
__________________________________________________ ___
08-06-2006, 10:06 AM
Interesting thing about google earth, the images you are seeing are 3-5 years old...
Worthless tidbit, I know...
08-06-2006, 10:21 AM
Hey Rob,
I'm just northeast of you in Oakwood between Gainesville and Buford. The images for our area are about 8 months old. They are showing some new construction in the area. They are starting to update them. I guess they are trying to keep up with Microsoft Live.
Andy B.
08-06-2006, 10:22 AM
On the other hand ..........
hmm! (
08-06-2006, 10:29 AM
Pull up a picture of my shop and you will see a lumber yard two doors down that closed three years ago...
08-06-2006, 10:31 AM
I live on the Caribbean island of BARBADOS,
where our Google Earth images are pretty darned clear island-wide
(all 21 x 14 miles of island - whoowee!)
but some of the other islands are NOT clear in patches, some hardly at all.
I guess Google buys whatever decent imagery they can afford,
the older ones having fuzzy resolution,
the newer ones really quite crisp
- I can even see my car parked in my yard!
Clearly resolution falls into two distinct categories - Great and not-so-great!
so.. I reckon SOME images may be as old as 3-5 years(the fuzzy ones)
but some are more recent(and better by far!)
I'm assuming those co-ordinates I gave ARE the right ones?
Could someone who's been there (maybe someone from Shopbot?)
verify that I'm pinpointing the right bldg.??
Do you ever need any help with your router? Just let me know. It's been years since I visited that island. How long have you been there?
08-06-2006, 11:32 AM
Not long: about 54 years.
There are 2 SB PRT96's on the island.
Help? Yes, quite likely...the matter is under consideration:
we'll get back to you.
Thanks for the offer.
08-06-2006, 11:33 AM
High resolution comes from photography taken from aircraft flying (relatively) at low level.
In the last 3 years, aerial survey photography has moved from almost exclusive large format film cameras 23cm x 23cm (9" x 9") format, to 50% and growing digital cameras.
'Fuzzy' stuff is where only satellite imagery exists.
08-07-2006, 07:57 AM
This is the bldg. you're looking for.
Notice the two long roofs, one set back from the other.
And the three bushes out front - amazing how they show on the satell.view, difrnt,yes, but they are there.
And the dirt track running up the side of the bldg.
that's there,too.
08-07-2006, 02:19 PM,+Inc.,+3333+Industr ial+Drive,+Durham,+NC+27704&ie=UTF8&ll=36.058716,-78.856741&spn=0.001314,0.002234&t=h&om=1 ( ustrial+Drive%2C+Durham%2C+NC+27704&ie=UTF8&ll=36. 058716%2C-78.856741&spn=0.001314%2C0.002234&t=h&om=1)
here's an easy link.
08-07-2006, 02:25 PM
windows version. no bird's eye
exact same imagery
08-08-2006, 01:08 AM
If you are interested to know how small an object can be seen, note the cable going from the very southern corner of the building, due north, crossing the roof, the grass and the entrance drive.
I doubt if this is more than an inch across!!
Big brother is watching you!!
08-08-2006, 01:19 PM
you want resolution?
My house: ne=2413660
no visitors please.
08-08-2006, 08:22 PM
Are those steaks on the grill? I'll be right over!
08-09-2006, 12:54 AM
Interesting Tony
First time I have seen oblique photographs included in these on line libraries, rather than true vertical.
Of course, its not real top notch resolution until you can see how well done the steaks are
08-09-2006, 09:37 AM
those photos are taken by jets (or some plane w/ expensive camera) doin fly-overs w/ high speed cameras. They're actually kinda freelance. someone takes the pictures and sells to google or whoever. my kinda business.
If you didn't notice, you can change the viewing angle. If you click N/S/E/W it will change the orientation of the camera (N means approaching from the North, etc.)
08-09-2006, 11:13 AM
I have mentioned before that I spent 45 years of my life photographing the earth from the air!!
Those of your house are good though.
Nowadays, digital is ruling the roost.
You really can not hide that illegally built back yard still or marajhuna plot, or vent all your MDF dust from your workshop over you neighbours
08-10-2006, 09:33 AM
There's definately no hiding, that's for sure. Seeing how good these free pictures are, really make me wonder what some people have access to.
I'm very jealous. Do you have an online library somewhere?
I found some DOQQs of the same region, which are supposed to be pretty good, but the viewer wouldn't install here at work (not admin).
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